William Heg: I’m not a fan, but Trump’s effect can be positive political

Former British Foreign Affairs Secretary William Heg said that the turmoil caused by President Donald Trump’s policies could lead to a positive and astonishing reorganization of ideas and parties through Western democracies.

HUG gave examples of the French Revolution in the 1990s, which led its extremist policies, to major changes to politicians in other countries.

He stressed that the first weeks of the Trump administration did not go to the point of the French Revolution, which led to a war with the neighboring countries, but in a world where the news is distributed in a few seconds and trade is transmitted freely through many borders, the effect of agitation in great power is much faster than two centuries ago.

He explained that there is a reorganization of ideas, and sometimes the parties take place in almost all Western countries, and in many of them, we can say that Trump’s influence will be great as in America itself.



For the main parties such as Liberals in Canada or Christian Democrats in Germany, or the Labor Party and Conservatives in Great Britain, Trump policies can be a lifestyle of his spill with waves of populism, it is the means of turning these moderate parts to adapt and consistency, it is a moment of clarification in which anyone with his open eyes can see the real world.

He continued to say that he suddenly turned out that countries that cannot control their borders are not strong and effective, and depend on the other in all new technologies, and accept that many of their residents are sick and have no hope of defending themselves, you have to do something and quickly.

He stressed that you don’t need to be enthusiastic about Trump to believe that his influence on politics in other places could be positive. If the parts of the center and the environment of the environment have learned in some respects and respond decisively to the challenge it represents in other aspects, then their chances of seeing the parties with the maximum political spectrum will improve and, in this process, they can make many fundamental changes in the performance of their governments.


3 aspects

Trump’s influence outside America is in 3 aspects:

  • the first; Show that the modern state is not incapable when it comes to solving the insoluble problems that cause misery to its citizens. Immigration has slowed down by the Mexican border since he took office, and this has shown that it is not only a question of border surveillance, but it is a change in rules. Voters who see Trump can control immigration, will not accept that their governments cannot.
  • the second; The reduction in the cost of the government, whatever we think of the methods that seem in principle and chaotic, the motivation to reduce bureaucracy and make the administrative state more sensitive to democratic desires is planned. In Great Britain, the conservative party has promised to retrace the effect of America also Last week, the public Health Authority demolished.
  • And the third; Encourage defense expenses and get rid of restrictions imposed on loan in certain countries, while social protection spending is reduced everywhere.


Hig drew attention to an important aspect of Trump’s practice to apply his policies, without moral faith. Canada is a victim without clear reason, Greenland is desirable although it is an allying land, the treatment of Putin as an advertising despite the murder of hundreds of thousands, the Zelinski humiliation on television, the sudden stop of long -term American programs around AIDS in Africa, etc.

He said that the strength of this part of Trump’s influence is to tell people and without declaring that the strength and efficiency of the democratic state are part of a moral system, and that its spread and respect in the world depend on the ability to distinguish good and evil; The abuse of the use of superpower leads to resistance and rejection.

The writer stressed that over the next four years, Trump will be vital proof of the need to establish such policies.

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