Why were the rapid support forces desperately desperate to defend the Soba bridge? | policy

Khartoum- Confrontations increase About 22 months after the fighting between Sudanese army AndFast support forces In KhartoumIn the south, the east and the center of the capital, while the forces are desperate to stick to the Soba bridge, which connects Khartoum to the east of the Nile so that they do not attend and did not not isolated between state cities.

On September 26, the army launched a massive military operation in the three cities of Khartoum, through the bridges of Nile Blanc, Al -Fatehab and Al -Halfaya, to the targets of the Rapid Support Forces and A Taken control of important positions in the Khartoum Center, in a leading change.

10 The main bridges are linked between the three cities of the Sudanese capital -khartoum andOmdurman And Khartoum Navy – on blue and white niles andThe Nile.

Khartoum is linked to the east of the Nile with the Soba and Manchistic splashes, which is controlled by the rapid support forces. “.

Khartoum is separated from Omdurman, bridges of the white Nile, Al -Fitheb and Mont Awliya, while Khartoum North is associated with Omdurman with the Al Halfaya and Shambat bridges.

The Sudanese army and the rapid support forces have been fighting a fierce struggle for 3 days to control the Soba strategic bridge, which links the west of the city of Khartoum to its East.

Tuesday, the chief of the Council of Sovereignty and the commander of the army and the army commander, Abdel -Fattah Al -Burhan, said during his visit to the region of Wad Abu Saleh in the east of the Nile that the army was close to extend control of the Soba bridge.

The width of a bridge is 27 meters with 3 tracks in each direction (communication sites)

Where is the Soba bridge? And when was it built?

The Soba bridge is located on the blue Nile, south of the capital, Khartoum, connecting the areas of Soba “East and West”, and between Khartoum and the Oriental Nile, and the length of the concrete body of the east bridge 571 meters , while its width is 27 meters with 3 tracks in each direction.

The construction of the bridge began in December 2012 and was operated in July 2017, and the cost of its establishment was $ 40 million.

The bridge entries extend from the west side over a distance of 3,450 meters to meet the street Wad Madani, the capital of Al -Jazeera, and its entrances on the eastern side extend to a distance of 2300 meters to meet Al – Aylafoun Street leading to the Humoub bridge from the east side of the state of Al-Jazeera.

The bridge is part of the ring road which connects the state of Khartoum to each other, within the framework of the state plan to link the national and circular roads of the State. Where the passenger and truck buses cross a port Sudan port To the capital.

What is the military importance of the Soba bridge?

The military and security expert, Salem Abdullah, believes that bridges are important strategic sites in the battle, because they allow communication and supply lines through the Blue Nile, the White Nile and the Main Nile between the Three cities of Khartoum, and that the control of the Nile and the control The bridge can mean a lot for the combat parties.

In an interview with Al -jazeera Net, the expert explains that the bridge is a strategy for rapid support forces because it connects it from eastern Nile to Khartoum, and allows it to move, maneuver and Providing in this area, and control by the army of the bridge means that the cord is widely tightened on the forces.

What does it mean to lose quick support at the bridge?

A military source considers, in a declaration in Al -jazeera Net, that the future of war in the capital depends largely on the battles in progress, and if the army is able to restore control of the Soba bridge and the Consider – One anything – he will have deprived the rapid support of an important corridor between the east and the west of the Blue Nile, this will change the course of the war.

According to the military source – which asked not to disclose its identity – the control of the bridge will insulate rapid support in the besieged pockets, which prevents any offer.

The same source reveals that the rapid support forces in the Soba region are besieged, from the south, the rampant support forces of the eastern province of Al-Jazeera and the Ailafoun region, and a northern army which arrived in the maraa ‘an Al -Harif zone, and east of the blue Nile, and no longer had to die or escape west to Khartoum and from there to mount Awlia to the ‘West of Sudan.

The fate of the rapid support forces in the Eastern Nile region, in which active operations take place and the army has reached its depth, is linked to the Soba bridge. Because the Mansheya bridge, which connects Khartoum to the east of the Nile, can also be neutralized at any time after the army is about to reach its East entry, and it can be controlled by fire to everything moment.

The same spokesperson believes that the lack of withdrawal of the rapid support forces means suicide, because he has no outlet or crossing for supply or movement and maneuvers, according to him.


How do the rapid support forces see the army progress towards the Soba bridge and the East Nile?

In a sharp tone, the head of the Ministry of Orientations and Services in the Rapid Support Forces, Hassan Al -Turabi, denied information on the drop in his forces in the state of Khartoum, since these reports are not that rumors promoted by media media in media media in media media in media media in media media in media media “enemy and remains” with the aim of opinion deceptive public opinion.

During a press conference broadcast on loyal platforms, Hassan Al -Turabi stressed Thursday that “the clear truth is that our forces have managed to completely repel enemy’s attacks in all AX and our forces are consistent and consistent and consistent and consistent and consistent and consistent and strong, and continue to move forward in any locations.

A manager of the Al-Jazeera Net media media office says that they always adhere to all the sites that are important to Khartoum, and that the confrontations around them will be a “broken” process, whether it be In the Soba Pont or others.

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