Have you ever in mind a question of whether there are more common diseases between the rich class of society? Our answer.
“Rich diseases” or “rich diseases” are a general term indicating a group of cases whose scientific name is “diseases of wealth”.
Luxury diseases are “degenerative” chronic diseases that the infection rate has increased considerably in industrial companies with high income, high standard of living and even with an improvement in health indicators.
Mortality rates in younger age groups have decreased at low levels, and the average age expected at birth has increased significantly. In these societies today, deaths are often avoided under the age of 40, and mothers at birth are a very rare event. On the other hand, luxury diseases, especially cardiovascular disease and cancer, dominate the death of over 40 years.
High standard of living and average life are accompanied by behavioral risk factors, such as an increase in tobacco consumption, increased consumption of saturated fats, cholesterol, food calories and low physical activity.
Many developing countries – which are attending rapid economic growth – are about to attend the same transition phase today in the development of their health in industrialized countries.
Rich diseases .. it is not exclusive to the rich
Chronic diseases associated with the diet, called rich diseases, caused by excessive consumption of calories, which are often associated with high obesity rates in societies in the world, are one of the most important chronic problems associated with an excessive calorie consumption.
Among the most important chronic diseases associated with excessive consumption of calories in heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
These diseases have been called “rich diseases” due to the high rate of their spread with the increase in material wealth in countries, with a common increase in the availability of meat and calories, in addition to increasing inactive jobs and lifestyles.
The manufactured food system dominates these companies, which means that produced foods (such as “non -food” snacks produced in large quantities, sugary drinks, frozen meals equipped, fast meals and pasta) occupy a large part of the diet of typical consumers in these societies.
To provide costs and maintain demand, manufactured fats, sugar and salt are used as low -cost ingredients in these foods (such as corn syrup and secondary oil and cotton industries).
The prevalence of these food options means that consumers eat a large percentage of “empty calories” without fiber, high quality fats, vitamins and adequate minerals, or in some cases adequate proteins.
Despite the prevalence of high and fatty food food for generations, the spread of these foods and how to normalize them in concepts such as the “American diet” (to which growing consumers aspire in many other countries), is very concerned about the diet as a whole, because it offers a wide range of food options that are not satisfied with human health.
This anxiety increases in particular with the growing orientation of consumers to urban areas. The growing spread of excessive calories has increased obesity rates in North America and Europe.
In addition, the term “rich diseases” is misleading, because the poor in industrialized countries, as well as in developing countries, are in fact confronted with the greatest impact of these diseases.
Empty calories are often inexpensive for the poorest slices in the world, which consumption of fabricated diets or which depends strongly on carbohydrates, which do not contain enough whole grains, fruits and vegetables, are more frequent among the poor.
In addition, poor families are often less able to afford the costs of the exorbitant consequences of these diseases in the Middle Ages and the elderly (such as insulin supply for diabetics, the consequences of heart attacks and strokes in the elderly).
Ironically, the same poorest slices in the poorest regions in the world, and even in the United States, can at the same time face the problems of “traditional malnutrition” (that is to say the lack of nutrition, insufficient consumption of vitamins, iron, zinc and calories), especially in children and women, in addition to excessive empty calories disease.
Fast food and small food markets are expensive, in which processed and unhealthy foods abound, the only food options in many poorest areas in the world.
These areas are called difficult to obtain healthy foods at reasonable prices.
Fight diseases of wealth
Many developed countries have reached a significant decrease in death rates caused by rich diseases. Tobacco -free lifestyles, balanced and improved diets and regular physical activity played an important role.
For example, in the United States of America, coronary diseases harvest 40% less than 1975, while the blows raised 55% less lives, and Australia and Canada have experienced similar declines.
Tobacco consumption has decreased by 2 to 3% per year in the last decade in the United States of America, but the decrease in smoking in rich countries is offset by its increase in poor countries. Tobacco already causes 3 million people a year, and based on current smoking habits, 7 million people can die each year by 2025.
Currently, developed countries are entering a step in which coronary diseases, brain vascular accidents and even cancer decreases as threats of longevity and quality of life. Meanwhile, developing countries, with the addition of central and eastern Europe now, will be at a high level of the high rate of infection by these diseases.
The knowledge that we have today on the prevention of wealth diseases is necessary for its use to solve the problem.
We conclude by referring to the drop, which was known as kings, because it was more frequent among them due to the consumption of large amounts of meat.
Currently, the drop has become common to assign the different classes, and it is no longer exclusive to kings and rich.