What are the characteristics of the weapon used in the Allenby Crossing attack? | Politics


The shooting attack by a young Jordanian against Israelis at the Allenby Crossing (King Hussein Bridge, as it is known in Jordan, and Karama Crossing, as it is known on the Palestinian side) between Jordan and the West Bank has raised questions about the nature of the weapon used and its capabilities.

According to available information, the pistol used is a GTB, which is a weapon with advanced capabilities and can be used semi-automatically.

This pistol contains a magazine that can hold 16 rounds, plus an extra round in the firing chamber, giving it great firepower.

Additionally, this type of pistol is not limited to the armed forces, as civilians can obtain a license to own and use it.

According to experts, this operation can be described as a so-called “lone wolf operation”, which does not necessarily require prior coordination or significant logistical support.

Hard day

Israeli police and medical officials said three Israelis were killed in the attack, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was a difficult day for Israel.

The Israeli army confirmed killing the shooter, saying he had come from Jordan in a truck and opened fire on forces guarding the crossing.

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