In early February, the book “Hamas: Chapters did not write” was written by Dr. Azzam Sultan Al -tamimi.
This book is an Arabized version, with a small modification, by the book of London de Hurst Publishing House on November 1, 2006 in English with the same title “Hamas: Unlett Chapters”, Meaning: “Hamas: Chapters Not Writed”.
The author shows his motivation to compose the book in English, starting and that is due to the need for a book that quickly deals with this growing movement of Hamas and quickly follows the stages of its development. Despite the publication of a certain number of books on the Hamas movement in the English language, most of these books, with the exception of the book that Khaled Al -Hroub entitled “Hamas: Political Thought and Practice”, is dominated that ‘They express an Israeli point of view, and draw their information from intelligence and security services; This is why the author considers that it was necessary to provide English readers in the world and development, in order to give up a fair scientific analysis of the factors and events that led to the rise of Hamas, and to propagation From its basis of influence in standard time, to its exclusivity with the confidence and support of an increasing number of Palestinians at home and in the diaspora and its victory with respect, appreciation and sympathy for the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims around the world.
In the introduction of the book, the author mentions one of his most important objectives of the book, as he says: “The main objective of the publication of” Hamas: the chapters have not written “in the English language is to contribute to filling such a long escape from movement and the conduct of a precise analysis of values and principles in which it believes so that readers can distinguish between what is essential and what is marginal, in its Thought and its practice, and it is only through studying what has been issued by its leaders and theorists of posts and statements over the years.
The book underlines how Hamas faces the challenges it faces, the way they deal with friends and adversaries, and their ability to recover from fatal reverses which seem to be completely inevitable. The book also addresses the factors that Hamas has shot in the opinion of many Palestinians to a convincing alternative which withdraws the stages of the legitimacy of the preceding symbols of the struggle, in particular of the Fatah movement, which formed the fundamental nerve of The organization of liberation of the Palestine and monopolized the Palestinian national action and pronounced the Palestinians for successive decades before the birth of Hamas.
This book is different from the others, which has been written in Hamas that it does not limit the discussion of the movement in the local context and the Israeli framework only, but also puts it in a more complete global context. The enthusiasm of an Arab-Islamic phenomenon, which belongs to him sons of Palestine, see that they are the direct victims of the conspiracy that an unjust global regime, which is represented by the creation of a “Jewish State” At the heart of Arab and Islamic lands. Hence the vision of the members of the Hamas movement towards the Israelis, because they are intruders and invaders, they violated their people from their land and expelled it from its houses, and they persecuted its children generation after generation . Although Hamas’ activities mainly care about local questions, they have regional and global traces and consequences. The fight against Israel is one of the multiple elements that combine to form the movement of the movement and direct its activities, but this is in no way the only element. Hamas, which dates back to the Muslim Brotherhood, came out of the uterus from a social project that motivated charity and charity, “according to the author.
Dr. Azzam Al -tamimi divided his book into Arabic into 10 chapters, as follows:
The first chapter is entitled: the beginnings
In this document, the writer reviews the circumstances which led to the birth of Hamas in the hands of the uprising in 1987. Research in this chapter also addresses the developments of the events which were witnesses of the two decades, which preceded The birth of the movement. From 1967 to 1977, Fraternity in Palestine was busy organizing their internal conditions and uniting their ranks in order to restore part of the force they lost in favor of the secular national movements which gained its popularity of its management Resistance against Israeli occupation. Inside Palestine, the management of the Muslim Brotherhood was faced with a challenge to take a stand against the Israeli occupation. Apart from Palestine, the Palestinian student movement, in particular in Egypt and Kuwait, played an important role in the “revival” of motor thinking within the Palestinian fraternity.
The second chapter came entitled: “From the call to Jihad”
Al -tamimi continues the history of the Palestinian brotherhood from 1977, the year when the Palestinian brothers began to plan to launch their resistance project, which saw the light after 10 years of this date, that is To be said with the outbreak of the uprising. This contract experienced the birth of large institutions, such as Islamic Council and Islamic University, which provided the basic services of Palestinian society in social, medical and educational fields, and played an important role in the Improved the position of movement at the popular level.
As for the third chapter, it is the title: “A complete war”
In this document, the writer reviews the most important events that affected Hamas after his foundation, based on the repercussions of the first days of the uprising epidemic, and until the announcement of “the agreement Olo “between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel in 1993.
The fourth chapter came with the title: in Jordan
This chapter tells the story of the transfer of Hamas leadership to Jordan after Kuwait invasion by Saddam Hussein in 1990.
This chapter also addresses, in detail, two other development.
As for the fifth chapter, it is entitled: try to assassinate Meshaal
This chapter tells the story of the failure of the Israeli assassination attempt by a Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, and its effects on Hamas and Jordan, then the developments of the relationship between Hamas and Jordan.
As for the sixth chapter, it is entitled: Jordan exit
He lists the events that completely remove Hamas from Jordan and the details of the transfer of management in Syria.
The seventh chapter came entitled: The ideology of the release of Hamas
In this chapter, the writer discusses the position of Hamas on the Jews and “the State of Israel”, because it is addressed to the military means that the movement has retreated in its resistance to occupation, in particular the martyr operations. The dismissal deals with the analysis of important developments that occurred on Hamas’ political discourse on these questions and others since the publication of the Movement Charter in 1988, especially since the Movement Charter embarrassed him on the scene International, where the opponents and criticism of Hamas were martyred more than his spokesperson quoted. In this chapter, the author seeks to prove that the Charter has never reflected the accuracy of the philosophy of the movement or its political point of view. In the end, the separation addresses in detail the concept of the armistice or the cease-fire agreement that Hamas has offered to Israelis since 1994.
As for the eighth chapter, it was entitled: “Jihad and citing”
In this chapter, Al -tamimi deals with the discussion on the question of martyrdom in the context of contemporary Islamic political thought, and the question is directly linked to enthusiasm, whose military wing uses time to the other to the use of “martyr operations” as a weapon to resist the Israeli occupation. The separation begins with an explanation of the concepts of jihad and fights and puts them in their historical context, then reviews after their applications in contemporary Islamic life, concluding that the controversy on this question is political and industrial in nature.
Next comes the ninth chapter entitled: Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority
This chapter focuses on the position of the Fatah movement, the main rival of Hamas on the Palestinian scene, of Hamas. Al -tamimi examines how Fatah saw from the start – which also monopolized the management of the Palestine Liberation Organization and then assumed the management of the Palestinian National Authority – in Hamas, a threat to it, and So tried to undermine Hamas or at least to marginalize it.
As for the tenth chapter, it is the title: towards a third uprising
The chapter began to speak of the impact of the death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004, then approached the developments which led to the elections of the Legislative Council in January 2006 and to the repercussions of the radical victory obtained by Hamas, and also examines some Members The measures to which Hamas opponents have used what, in this area, the Israelis, the Americans and certain Fatah leaders try to force the movement to abandon the direction of the Palestinian Authority, to which he had come after that he has lost a democratic fatah.
The book represents a new qualitative addition by speaking of the movement of Hamas, which is always the most important present in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as a researcher in Palestinian affairs or knowledge of knowledge in the affairs of Islamic movements in the world today.