Trump stops the help of South Africa and accuses it of assault towards America News


US President Donald Trump has signed an executive decree aimed at stopping financial assistance in the state of South Africa and attacked Pretoria’s foreign policy, in particular with regard to Israel’s prosecution by the Criminal Court Israel international for genocide in Gaza.

The White House explained that the executive affair aims to face what it called “terrible actions” in South Africa concerning the confiscation of agricultural land of ethnic minorities, in reference to white farmers.

The American president said that a plan will be drawn up to receive South African farmers and their families as refugees.

Trump said there were endless government policies in South Africa aimed at undergoing equal opportunities for employment, education and business.

He added that “the law of confiscation of agricultural land for ethnic minorities has been preceded by hate speech and government measures which feed unpopular violence against certain landowners”, since South Africa has taken this that he described as aggressive positions towards the United States and his allied functions.

Ramafuza issued a law last month which allows the government in certain circumstances to confiscate the land for the public interest (French)

Gaza and Iran

The American president said that Pretoria accused Israel of genocide (in Gaza) before the international criminal instead of Hamas, as he said.

Trump also said that South Africa had reactivated its relations with Iran to develop commercial, military and nuclear arrangements

He considered that South Africa underwater for foreign policies in the United States constitutes threats to its security, its interests, its allies and its African partners, stressing that his country will not tolerate this and cannot support this country undergoing American foreign policy.

Last January, South African President Cyril Ramafuza published a law allowing the government – under certain circumstances – to confiscate land for the public interest without any compensation.

A few days ago, Ramafuza responded to the accusations of the American president, stressing that his country had confiscated any land, adding that the law of expropriation is stipulated constitutionally.

The question of land in South Africa is divided, because the efforts made – to resolve the inequalities inherited from the apartheid system – increase the criticisms of the conservatives, in particular Elon Mask, the billionaire born in this country, and it is ‘One of the closest advisers to President Trump.

It should be noted that the white minority in South Africa – which has been 9% of the country since the colonial period – represents 75% of land adapted to agriculture.

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