Time: details of the collision of two ships in the North Sea and avoid an environmental and climate environmental disaster


The British authorities continue to investigate the Solong Shipping Ship with the American oil tanker “Estena Emacilite” Monday in the North Sea, while the captain of the Russian ship remaining in detention with the British police after having noticed that the ship had not successfully completed many security checks last year.

According to the owner of the shipping vessel, the captain owned is a 59 -year -old Russian citizen, while the maritime company “Ernest Ross”, who owns Solong, said that the Russian captain directed the crew members of 14 people who were a mixture of Russian and Philippin citizens.

John Craig, the deputy chief of the British coastal guard, stressed that there was an overall response to pollution and that the British Coast Guard continues to prepare for any pollution that could occur due to the damage caused to ships, indicating that fears of the dangerous materials which have been previously identified on the ship have decreased considerably. Samples of wild air quality have not shown no toxin, and the models of meteorological offices indicate that there is no threat to the public.

According to the British Times, which told the details of the collision, the incident took place on Monday morning, when the fog was thick on the North Sea and the container Solong which raises the Portuguese flag sailing along the eastern coast of the United Kingdom, heading for the Dutch port of Rotterdam.

The 140 tasks container ship, which had left the Scottish port of Grangmouth on Sunday evening March 9, sailed at a speed of 16 knots and headed south, which is the means to sail it before.

The “Solong” ship was always going quickly when he had on Monday morning on Monday morning, an oil tanker loaded with plane fuel. With less than a kilometer to avoid the collision, Solong collided with the oil tanker “Estina Emakiolite”.

The collision seemed so strong that it pushed Estina Emaciolite at a distance of approximately 200 meters, as the shipping data appear. In a few minutes, the two ships caught fire.
Rescuers have struggled to avoid what could be one of the worst environmental disasters in recent years. Should you flee 18,000 tonnes of plane fuel that Steina Emaciolite transported to the North Sea?

A member of the “Solong” crew was still missing when the Coast Guard announced late Monday that research had been canceled. On board, Solong was 14 rituals, while the crew of Estina Emakiolite was made up of 23 individuals.

The carrier left the port of Corinth in Greece. The American army for the transport of aircraft fuel has hired it as part of the US government’s oil security program, which provides the Ministry of Defense with 10 vectors registered in the United States to transport fuel “in time of armed conflict or national emergency”.

The carrier had to give his cargo to an installation in Emingham, in the north of England, on the mouth of the Hambar river, later this week and was waiting in a dedicated Riso area.

The container ship, which has a height of 140 from the Scottish Port of Grangmouth (Associated Press)
The solong container, which is 140, has left the Scottish port of Grangmouth (Associated Press)

Avoid an environmental disaster

“The fire was raised in the fuel that started the spill, and if the 18,000 tonnes are lost, it will occupy the first row among the biggest spills of fuel in Great Britain.”

Crowley explained that the ship “Estina Emaciolite” was torn in a shipping tank containing “proud-a1”, and that the crew left the ship “after several explosions on board.

The Coast Guard summoned a helicopter, a fixed plane, 4 survival boats and up to 21 locomotives and a fire -fighting ship. Radio emissions show that the helicopter console warned the pilot that the ship was carrying an flammable liquid shipment.

In a separate message on the radio sent to the region’s ships, the Coast Guard called the ships with fire control equipment or search and rescue capacities to go to the scene, adding: “The ESMACIOLITE ship carries the burning fuel of water.”

The Royal National Foundation sent 4 crews and said: “It has been reported that a number of people had left ships after a collision and fires in the two ships.”

But one of the crews of the Foundation said that there was not much that they could do after the initial research and rescue process, adding: “There was a thick fog and we could not see anything. We are not equipped with fire control equipment for this type of accident.” He added that time in the sea was “cold at the freezing point”. It is understood that the process of the royal institution was reduced Monday evening in a single boat.

More than 20 rescue and fire -fighting boats stayed on the site, but the Coast Guard ordered them to stay away from fire ships at 3.2 km.

Michael Patterson, director general of the British Company, said that 7 of the company’s ships were on the site with fire fighting equipment capable of pumping 2,400 liters per minute.
He described the incident as “one of the most dangerous things I saw in my life in the sea”. Initially, the company sent 4 boats, and increased it later to 7, it would alternate overnight.

The Solong load ship carried 15 sodium (Associated Press) containers
The Solong load ship carried 15 sodium (Associated Press) containers

With the return of traction boats and fire control ships, Lloyds Intelligence, which provides marine data, said Solong transported 15 sodium sodium containers.

Sodium cyanide is not flammable, but when heated, hydrogen cyanide can be released, and it is flammable and medal. When inhaled, it disturbs the body’s ability to use oxygen and can cause headache and disease, and in extreme cases, loss of consciousness or death.

However, it was pointed out on Tuesday that there was no sodium cyanide on Solong.

Patterson said: “We do not know how long it will continue, but these steps are generally research, rescue and a fire fight, then it goes to environmental control, pollution and safeguarding of ships,” said Patterson.

“We understand that research and rescue have been completed now, but it is clear that the fight against fires will continue as soon as we can come back to help the ships. Then we will need a kind of environmental control and rescue.”

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