The suffocating water crisis in Afghanistan and certain cable areas without political water

Kabou- Afghanistan suffers from a serious water crisis because the report of the United Nations humanitarian coordinator “OCHA” said that around 40% of the country’s families are faced with a serious shortage of water and 23 % of the population of Afghanistan depends on unhealthy and unhealthy water and 23% of the population of Afghanistan depends on unhealthy and unhealthy water and 23% of the population of Afghanistan depends on unhealthy water and unhealthy and 23% of the population of Afghanistan depends on unhealthy and unhealthy water and 23% of the population of Afghanistan depends on unhealthy and unhealthy water and 23% of the population of Afghanistan depends on Unhealthy and unhealthy water, which exposes them for risks such as intestinal diseases.

This situation was exacerbated by a constant drought, poor management of water resources and the deterioration of infrastructure, which has greatly affected the lives of millions of Afghans, because the crisis is not only limited to the scarcity of the Water, but extends to health risks, as the result of the use of dangerous water sources.

The United Nations confirmed that the situation of water in the country has become very worrying, due to the deterioration of water sources in many regions due to continuous drought and its effects on various aspects.

Sterile terrain in Afghanistan with cracked land, sparse vegetation and utility posts extending to the arid landscape.
Afghanistan has seen in recent years of successive droughts and floods that have destroyed agricultural houses and cultures (Getty)

An prolonged crisis

Residents suffer from a lack of water in several areas of the capital, because Hamid and Najibullah Muhammadi, who are resident of Kabul, explains in statements in Al -jazeera net, that “there are places that water Can reach, but unfortunately the water does not reach us, we are faced with great difficulties, sometimes we go to the mosque to obtain water and we are not allowed, and sometimes we go to the neighbors.

They added that recently, the water was cut in certain regions west of the Afghan capital, Kabul, for a period of up to 10 days, “there was no water, and unfortunately , if this situation continued, it will be a disaster for people, and we hope that the civil servants will pay more attention to this question. “

Residents of the state of Nangarhar, in eastern Afghanistan, also suffer from a serious shortage of water, and Hakim Allah – a state resident – said to Al -jazeera net that level D ‘Water in their region is very low, especially with lack of rain, “where only 10% of drinking water is available in Agen, leaving 90% of the population without healthy water”.

He added that the projects carried out by certain organizations to improve water access, such as “UNICEF” projects, were not sufficient to counter the aggravation crisis.

Mirz, a resident of the city of Turgendi in West Hirat, also spoke to Al -jazeera net of the sharp drop in water level, and said that 60% of wells contain salt water that cannot Being used, adding that “although there are plans to provide water, the weakness of the administration is the case without effectively completing these projects, and many residents are forced to buy water in mobile water tanks.

Benjshir river project

In the light of this crisis situation, the national press agency “Bakhtar”, which is controlled “horses” in the capital, Kabul.

According to the declarations of the head of the investigation and design service of the Ministry of Energy and Water, Mohamed Aref Mumand, the project inquiry will soon be completed, and the project should contribute to solving the problem of Drinking water in Kabul significantly, and provides water to two million residents of the capital.

Mumand stressed that fundraising has been requested by the project at the Ministry of Finance and Afghan Investors, without mentioning details on its costs, because Bakhtar indicated that there was a meeting held in the state of Benjshir on This project, where the Governor of the State, Mohamed Aga Hakim, underlined his cooperation in the state water transport project in Kabul.

A Turkish company called “SKM”, whose representative, Dr. Farsad, spoke of a huge investment in this project.

Kabul, Afghanistan - October 31: a child drinks water from the water well in Kabul, Afghanistan, October 31, 2022, because it is voluntarily established by an NGO, the organization of charity and solidarity de Cansuyu. 14 water wells were installed in 14 regions where a water problem has due to drought. (Photo by Muhammed Abdullah Kurtar / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
United Nations reports indicate that 23% of the Afghan population depends on unhealthy water sources (Anatolia)

Additional solutions

The expert in water problems, Hamidullah Ati, stressed that “the implementation of the Banjshir river water transport project in Kabul, and although water is seasonal and sometimes it contains deposits, It can be beneficial to provide certain areas of the capital with water.

But ATI also warned of relying only on a single source to provide water to residents of the capital, noting that the solutions should include several sources, such as the development of the Catut dam and the dam of the KGQA dam , in addition to finishing a project which provides 23 thousand families in the cable with water from the groundwater layers in the state of locker, and the water can also be supplied to a part of the north of the cable of the dam of Shah and a bride.

It should be noted that the Panjshir river water body in Kabul had been drawn up by the previous government, and the Ministry of Energy and Water Expressed when the work will be carried out to transport water to The city of Kabul through the Shah and the Eners Dam, the Damka dam and the Benjshir river.

Urgent support

In another report, the “OCHA” office warned against increasing health risks due to water shortages and sanitation, because it is estimated that 28% of the population of Afghanistan still uses unhealthy toilets , which increases health risks in society.

The United Nations highlighted the need to provide urgent support, noting that its agencies in Afghanistan need $ 264 million in 2025 to provide the necessary water and sanitation services, but so far, only 8, $ 4 million has been saved from this amount, which reflects the which reflects the financing volume.

Afghanistan is considered one of the most affected countries of climate change, and the last years have experienced droughts and successive floods that have destroyed agricultural houses and cultures.

This environmental change improves the exacerbation of the water shortage crisis, which increases the suffering of the population, in particular in rural areas, where international organizations have warned that the situation could become more complicated in the future If there are no urgent measures and has underlined the need to improve the management of water resources and rebuild the structure infrastructure to ensure safe drinking water for all citizens.

In light of the disturbing water situation, international support and efficient water management are two declarations to mitigate the crisis. sustainable solutions.

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