The Palestinian President appoints two new leaders for new civil security and defense

Yesterday, Saturday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decision appointing two new leaders of the National Security and Civil Defense forces, according to the official news agency (WAFA).

According to the agency, Abbas has decided to appoint Major-General Ibrahim Abdel Salam Khalil as commander of the National Security Forces, succeeding General Nidal Ali Mahmoud Abu Dukhan, who has been referred to his retirement after his entry into office since 2011.

According to WAFA, the Palestinian National Security Agency is a “military military body, and it includes field training and battalions, and its fundamental mission is to defend the country, to protect society and to maintain security and public order”.

According to the agency, Abbas made the decision to promote Brigadier General Akram Mahmoud Ali Thawaba to the rank of general general and his appointment as commander of the Civil Defense Agency.

On February 18, Abbas, Raed Arafat Abu Al -Homs, was appointed chief of prisoners and Editors Authority with the degree of minister, and Abd Al -Qadir Hamid (Qaddoura Faris) referred to retirement.

On the 20th of the same month, Abbas published a presidential decree appointing Ayman Mahmoud Salman Qandil at the head of the civil affairs authority with the degree of minister, succeeding Hussein Al -Sheikh.

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