The extreme right in Germany … A threat to the future of immigrants or a reason for political engagement? | policy

Berlin – The rise of the extreme right in Germany has sparked the concern of immigrants about their future in the country.

The party which obtains more than 20% of voters of voters is a dangerous indication of the internal departments of the country, however, some in this transformation see an opportunity for migrants to change and active in the political scene and to try to change it.

The successes of the alternative part during the recent parliamentary elections were based on the intimidation policy of foreigners, by calls for a tightening of asylum laws and to require mass deportation for all offenders and crime authors.

These statements have aroused the anxiety of migrants about their future in Germany and have strengthened fears of the possibility of exacerbation of societal tensions, and have helped to increase anxiety among immigrant circles, in particular with the escalation of political discourse against immigration in right circles.

What is also remarkable is the adoption of the Party of the Christian Union, which won a great victory in the elections, for the demands of expulsion and the tightening of immigration policy, despite its refusal to form a government coalition with the Popular Alternative Party.

Fears of immigrants

Kawa Issa, who arrived in Germany in 2016 and then obtained German citizenship, was able to participate for the general parliamentary elections for the first time, and expressed his pride in this participation, which gave him an idea of ​​the importance of his voice and his political role, but he also expressed his concern concerning the future of German immigrants and citizens concerning the origins of immigrants, in particular after the rise and asylum.

In turn, the social guide and director of the Peace Center for Coxistence and Integration, said Dr. Ibrahim Al, in a press release in Al -jazeera Net, that the recent attacks by certain immigrants and asylum seekers led to the position of the extreme position, which he used to promote his anti-immo-immo-like slogans.

Al -Yayed added that these events “threw a shadow on the electoral campaign and aroused generalized controversy at popular and political levels, which helped strengthen the status of the extremist alternative party, which received 20% in the February 2025 elections.”

The rise of the oath … an opportunity to change

The director of the Peace and Integration Center explains that since the start of the electoral campaigns, which have focused on the “tightening of asylum policy and migration and the question of societal peace and internal security of the facade”, the working groups have started to train between the Arab and Muslim communities to urge German citizens to participate in the elections.

He added that some began to call to join political parties, in particular leftist parties, with the aim of changing interior policies and fighting against any unfair orientation against immigrants.

As for the German citizen of Palestinian origin, Fadi Al -Masry sees that the second generation of immigrants, and following the shock he suffered after the seventh October, in addition to the position of the traditional parties on Arab issues, began to achieve his affiliation with two different identities: Arab identity and German identity.

This awareness has strengthened his political conscience, which led him to participate in political work in Germany, and his search for new political alternatives, and among the most important aspects of this transformation is the strong interaction of this generation with the alliance of Sarah Waghankncht (BSW), where the young Arab origin played a major role in the encouragement of the community to participate in the elections, Previously, according to Al -Masry.

“I used to vote for the left party, but because of my daughter who grew up in Germany and was influenced by the political scene, I decided during the last elections to vote for the BSW alliance.”

Economy and citizenship

In Recent Years, Germany Has Witnessed A Rise in Prices, Along With An Increasing Economic Revance, Which Led to a Widespread Feeling of Anxiety Among Citizens, Especially About the Economic Situation and Insecurity, These Factors Had a Major Role in the Decline in the support of moderate parts, As the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party, and Pushing Many to vote for the Popular Alternative Party, Which Requests An Internal Spending Institute Intead of Spending Billions On Ukraine’s Support and the purchase of arms.

It should be noted that around 6% of Muslim citizens in Germany voted for the Al-Badil party, despite its well-known orientations against immigrants, and the Turkish community is one of the largest Muslim communities in the country, with a number of 3 million citizens.

The women of Aiden, a German citizen of Turkish origin, who refused to mention his real name, says that he voted for the Al-Badil party, considering that the anti-avant-garders of the party “do not target homosexuals, I work and I pay taxes, but rather intentionally, fiscal escapes, and those who have anti-democracy ideas”.

He adds that he considers himself as part of the German societal fabric, because he was born in the country 35 years ago, which gave him a strong sense of belonging to Germany.

The rise of the extreme right in Germany is a dangerous turning point for migrants and citizens of foreign origin, which raises concerns concerning the future of immigration and integration policies in the country.

On the other hand, some believe that this ascent can be an incentive to political participation and work to change the reality of the interior, in particular with the growing consciousness of immigrants from the second and third generation of the importance of political participation.

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