The Sudanese army tightened the screws on the rapid support forces in the presidential palace and the center of Khartoum after having launched air attacks by theft and artillery on the elements of these forces which tried to escape from the presidential palace through the center of Khartoum, passing through the Bridge of Liberty, which led to the climbing of smokers of the perimeter of the palace and some of the surrounding buildings.
Battle of the Mesals
A source of land told Al -jazeera Net until Wednesday evening until Thursday dawn, a quick support force attempted to withdraw from the perimeter of the palace and the ministry of the ministries at the center of the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.
The source stressed that the fast support forces withdrawn used four -wheel drive vehicles, light armored vehicles and motorcycles.
The source stressed that the strength had attempted to withdraw in the street -qasr to open a path through the Pont de la Liberté to escape, but the army treated it with clarifications and was able to destroy more than 30 motor vehicles and a certain number of motorcycles, as well as killing dozens of fast support elements.

The source stressed that Al -Qasr Street, in particular the area between Astak Medical Factory and the Maridian Hotel, witnessed dozens of fast support soldiers and the destruction of their cars with lighteners.
The source stressed that the army controls all the roads leading to the palace after closing it with pedestrians and covering it with clarifications, from west of Khartoum, where the industrial and east zone, where the Nile and the South touch Muqrin Al -Neel and north of the city of Bahri.
The source said that attempts to withdraw by rapid support forces are like suicide to tighten the army controls all ports in the middle of Khartoum.
Battle in the middle of Khartoum
The center of the Sudanese capital has become a daily square for ferocious battles between the army and the rapid support forces.
The central region of Khartoum includes most of the sovereigns, ministerial, civilians, markets, major hospitals, banks and banks.

Recently, the army began to enter the center of Khartoum and took control of several sites, including hospitals, hotels and transport stations where the rapid support forces were on the way to control the presidential palace under the control of rapid support since April 2023.
Muhannad Fadl, one of the fighters in the center of Khartoum, told Al -jazeera Net that the army had drawn up a strategic plan to control the center of the capital with the smallest loss of fast support with all military vehicles.
He added that the operation had been launched from the industrial zone to the general management, the closure of the media and rapid support on the Arab market and the presidential palace. Muhannad said that rapid support had tried to exploit certain white Nile boats to escape and treat them, as well as the closing of the streets leading to the palace, which failed their entire breeze attempt at the seat imposed on them.
While one of the officers was satisfied with the rapid support in the center of Khartoum by denying their loss of battle in the center of Khartoum during his brief conversation in Al -jazeera Net.
Obstacles on the palace road
Observers believe that there are obstacles that have contributed to delaying the assault by the army of the presidential palace, including the deployment of the rapid support forces in the middle of Khartoum, in particular the large buildings and taking up a place for elite shooters.
One of the armored weapons agents, who preferred to retain his name, told Al -jazeera net that the most obsessed things that have hampered the arrival of the army are high -level buildings in the center of the capital, such as Zain Telecommunications Company, the Central Bank of Towers Sudan, Nile Petroleum Towers, Al -Fateh Tower and The Friendship Hall.
The source said that the rapid support forces have led these sites to elite shooters and to use elite shooters the latest weapons, including the anti-armor weapon, which is used as a weapon for shooters, especially in the Niles Makat area in Khartoum.
The source stressed that the presence of rapid support forces at the headquarters of the strategic battalion in the center of Khartoum is also considered an obstacle to the progression of the southern army, where the armored weapon is located.
He said that the army, after a siege in the center of Khartoum, is capable of neutralizing all the high buildings and buildings and controlling the presidential palace.
What’s left of the palace?
A source of the Sudanese army told Al -jazeera net that what separates the army from the palace is an area that does not exceed meters, noting that the army seeks to shed light on the losses of rapid support in lives and equipment through the weapon of contempt before the Palais assault.
The source said that the Palace restoration process is on a verdict for certainty after imposing a headquarters collar on the rapid support forces on the Arab market and the presidential palace and the closure of all land and sea ports.