15/2/2025–|Last update: 02/15/202510:41 p.m. (Mecca time)
The Russian website “Valdai Club” has confirmed in a report that the statements of US President Donald Trump should be read concerning the movement of the Gaza Strip as part of the budgetary confrontation between the United States and China, and the American desire to control the strategic marine corridors.
Gauriya Kulthum Atef, specialist in digital content and political information at the Islamabad Institute for Political Research, said in his report that the movement plan for Gaza residents and transform the band into “Riviera du Middle East”, Who has been rejected by many international parties, given the ethnicity and a violation of international law, open the questions of the door to the deep geopolitical interests of the United States.
According to Juwairiya, many believe that it is mainly linked to supply chains, economic domination and the control of sailors in the Middle East, in particular in light of the increase in Chinese influence in the region.
Ben Gurion Channel
Some believe that the project “Riviera Middle East” is part of an American plan which could be a first step towards the implementation of the Ben Gurion Channel project, of which Israel has spoken in order to redirect maritime trade and is supposed to pass by the Gaza Strip, explaining the author.
She added that the initiative, which has been presented on the grounds that it is a humanitarian plan for the benefit of Gaza residents, could actually be part of the control of control over maritime commercial roads, because the Reconstruction project can turn into an excuse to extend the American and Israeli military presence in the band on the pretext of guaranteeing security, then secure the Gourion of the Ben chain.
And such a plan requires – according to the writer – the displacement of Gaza residents, the abolition of all political and logistical obstacles and the change in demographic reality, then the construction of the infrastructure necessary to create the channel and the transformation maritime trade stands out from the Suez Canal.
The writer said that the Suez Canal plays a central role in world trade channels, through which around 12% of the goods between Europe, Asia and America spend, and it is a vital point for Oil exports from the Persian Gulf to Europe and North America.
Chinese extension
The writer Juwairiya spoke of the importance of the Chinese initiative of the Suez Canal for the “Belt and Road” initiative, through which 60% of Chinese exports to Europe pass. Beijing has also invested considerably in the free zone of Suez, where more than 140 Chinese companies operate, with investments up to 1.6 billion dollars, in addition to investments in the Egyptian port of Ain Sokhna.
All this means – according to the writer – that the control of the United States on the chain, or the procedure for the implementation of the Ben Gurion Channel project, can double the dysfunction of Chinese ships and expose them to a more in -depth examination and delay access to its destinations in periods of tension.
She saw that the domination of Washington on the Suez Canal would block China’s projects in the region, including the expansion of Beijing in Africa, in exchange for the escalation of American influence by dominating world trade flows .
Juwairiya stressed that China can use two options to face American aspirations, the first of which reaches an agreement with Israel, and the second is to strengthen its military presence in the Red Sea and Egypt, just like the Soviet Union previously .