Neither of his grace nor a favor. Company with women is a sign of complete mirror masculinity

In the light of increasing societal pressures on women between the requirements of family perfection and professional success and carrying them with the burden of different stereotypes, the new episode of the “Rafqa” program raises a pivot question: how will we redefine kindness to women in the time of contradictions?

Thanks to dialogues with realistic experts and stories, the episode presented by Sheikh Fahd Al -kandari confirms and broadcasts through the “Al-Jazeera 360” platform that the merciful deals with women is not a moral preference, but rather a religious and social duty which is measured by the promotion of societies.

The episode was launched by dismantling the contradictory expectations that are woven around the woman, where Al -Kandari said: “Some want his prisoner in prisoner to be the prisoner, and others require her to be supernatural without fatigue, and does a third team represent freedom?

In her analysis of the question, the family councilor Azza al -Ghamdi explained that “absolute Western equality cancels the physical and psychological differences between the sexes”, since Islam has presented a “fair balance” which takes into account the nature of each of them, and reaches integration, and not conflicts.

The episode has revealed the most important challenge that women face today, which is the reconciliation of its professional success, its family duties and aspirations of society, and in that Al -Ghamdi says: “Pressure on it to be perfect in everything that generates a feeling of permanent failure,” noting that “communication transmits an unrealistic image that increases the essentials”.

For his part, Hanin Al -Baloul – A mother of disabled children – shared her experience, saying: “The woman is able to combine roles if she finds support”, remembering how her 16 -year -old daughter supported her in pursuing her work for 18 years before devoting her house, stressful: “encouragement and not love is the secret of success.”

The episode did not neglect the role of man in the complexation of the challenges, because Al -Ghamdi warned against two negative models: “the authoritarian husband” who refuses to dialogue with his wife, and the “absent husband” who is concerned about his emotional duties, adding, “emotional hunger is like physical hunger.

The negative effects of the lack of kindness

The episode also discussed the negative effects of the absence of kindness, such as the deterioration of the mental health of mothers and its impact on the education of children, stressing that “the increase in the value of women increases the value of the man himself”, according to Al -ghamdi.

In response to a question on the reason for the adoption of the term “feminism” despite the adequacy of Islamic legislation, Al -Ghamdi explained that “feminist extremism transformed man into enemy”, while Islam guaranteed women’s rights without canceling the role of men.

Al -kandari deduced the verse “and they are the same as those who are known to them,” stressing that “the difference between the sexes is an integral blessing, in which there is no room for differentiation except with piety”.

The presenter of the episode, Sheikh Fahd Al -kandari, sent a message to men: “The company with a woman is not a grace. It is a prophetic will “, recalling how God revealed complete verses in response to the complaint of a woman (Surat al -mujadila), and he said:” Whoever prohibits the kindness of all good “.

He also warned against high rates of domestic violence, denouncing: “51,000 women were killed in the world by their partners in 2023 .. Where do we come from the prophet’s will not to kill women even in wars?”

The episode underlined that the solution of the crises of women begins to revive the prophetic values, and not in important Western models which transform integration into conflict, and in this Al -kandari says: “Woman is not like a man … God has created us different to dominate himself.”

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