Miri Regev is an Israeli politician and a former military officer with the rank of the Grande Brigade, and she was spokesperson for the Israeli army. In 2008, the world of politics entered its joining the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) for the Likoud party, and obtained its diploma in position until it becomes one of the most important Israeli personalities, And held ministerial posts, including the Minister of Culture and Sports, then the Minister of Transport and Communications.
Miri Regev was born by the name of Mariam Siboni on May 24, 1956 in Kiryat Ghat, Israel.
She is the eldest daughter of her parents, her father Felix has a Moroccan Jewish origin, and her mother is Marcel of the Jews of Spain Sephardic.
His parents grew up in Morocco, and they emigrated to Israel thanks to the “Youth Migration” project (Hanuar Alam), and they lived Kiryat Ghat, one of the passage areas to those that Israel has established to accommodate migrant Jews of the Middle East and North Africa.
His father worked in the construction of plastic houses in neighboring kibbuts and in the distribution of soft drinks, his family, who lived in severe poverty in the light of the marginalization of “governments of Zionist Ashkenazi workers” by the Jews of Mazérazim as described.
During her youth, she volunteered in the organization “Dawood Red Star” and was appointed secretary of the Shepila region. She was also an activist of the Kiryat Ghat Youth Council and organized volunteer campaigns to help new immigrants in Israel.
She got married to the Israeli air industry engineer, Darr Regev, and had 3 children.
Scientific study and training
She studied the basic scene of ORT Rogozin Secondary School in Kiryat Ghat, and she obtained a baccalaureate in informal education from the university college, in which she obtained a master’s degree in business administration.
Military experience
REGEV joined the Israeli army in 1983 and joined the training course, and in 1986, it moved to the unit of the Israeli army spokesperson and initially worked as a spokesperson for the South Command.
In 1988, she was appointed head of the army spokesperson and, in 2002, to the rank of general general and became army spokesperson, and after months, she assumed the position of coordinator of the coordinator of Awareness program at the Prime Minister’s office at the time post, Ariel Sharon.

She took the position of head of the press and media censorship in 2004.
In addition to the appointment of Dan Halutz as chief of staff in 2005, Regev took the post of army spokesperson and continued in this position until 2007, and was the second woman to occupy this position.
In October 2007, the chief of staff, Gabi Ashkénaze, was appointed coordinator of the Israeli army activities on the occasion of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the declaration of the establishment of Israel, the position that ‘She occupied until the end of her late military service in 2008.
Political experience
Regev began his political career in 2008 after joining Party Likoud, a few months after the end of his military service, and entered the Knesset during the 18th legislative elections which took place in 2009.
Regev kept his headquarters at the Knesset during the 19th elections in 2013 and held a number of important positions, including the presidency of the Internal Affairs and the Environment Committee, as well as the presidency of the Israeli law request in the West Bank .

REGEV has progressed considerably in the party and was classified fifth on its list in internal elections in 2015, and it became one of the most important figures in Likoud and won the title of “First Women in Likoud”.
REGEV held the post of Minister of Culture and Sports in the Israeli government from 2015 to 2019, and sparked great controversy because of its positions towards culture and the arts in Israel, in particular with its opposition to the financing of artistic projects which she considered unanimous in Israel.
She saw that some of these projects reflected the posts opposing the government, so she sought to redirect government funds to support the artists and projects that represent the traditional culture of Israel in their eyes.
He also focused on the support of artists from certain cultural circles, such as Mazarah (Jews who come from countries in the Middle East and North Africa), Ethiopian (Ethiopian Jews who immigrated to Israel) and Residents of the parties living in remote regions.
Regev was criticized for her controversial statements that she delivered in a speech in Tel Aviv in 2012, compared Arab citizens and African immigrants, who live in Israel with “cancer in the body”, but she was excused later for this declaration.
In 2020, after the formation of the government of unit led by Benjamin Netanyahu and Benin Gantz, Regev was appointed Minister of Transport and Communications.
In February 2025, Moroccan lawyers demanded the arrest of Regev and prevented them from entering the Moroccan territory, after having received an invitation to participate in an international conference in Marrakech in the south of the country.
Lawyers for lawyers for lawyers from Rabat and Marrakech, led by the captains, Abdel Rahim Al -jamii, Khaled Al -Sufyani, Abdel -Rahman Bin Amr and Abdel -Rahim Benbarka, raised two lawsuits, the first court of appeal , the first court of appeal, in the capital, Rabat, demanding the arrest of Regev and his trial for accusations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
With regard to the second trial, this is an urgent trial in which the above -mentioned lawyers demanded that Regev prevents the entry of Moroccan airports and land, considering that it allows it to grasp “an attack on the Moroccans and Moroccan soil “.
Moroccan lawyers have argued the Israeli minister to continue activists and support associations for Palestine and to reject standardization with Israel, the first group of which is the national working group for Palestine and the Moroccan observatory to fight standardization.
Jobs and responsibilities
- Israeli army spokesperson in 2002.
- Head of the press and media control in 2004.
- Army spokesperson from 2005 to 2007.
- TDI coordinator in 2007.
- Head of the Israeli army spokesman in 1988.
- Southern Command spokesperson in 1986.
- A member of the Israeli Knesset for the 2009 Likoud party.
- Minister of Culture and Sports of the Israeli government from 2015 to 2019.
- Minister of Transport and Communications in 2020.