International atoms renew the warning: Iran approaches a new nuclear bomb

The director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said that the time was in the process of concluding an agreement to stop the Iranian nuclear program.

This warning occurs while Tehran continues to accelerate the enrichment of uranium with purity which addresses the level necessary to make atomic weapons, according to the agency.

According to information, Iran has intensified its nuclear activities since 2019, after US President Donald Trump withdrew during his first mandate from the 2015 agreement, which was reached at the time of his predecessor Barack Obama.

Iran has continued to develop its nuclear program and accelerate the enrichment of uranium to a degree of purity of up to 60% almost 90% to make weapons.

In an interview on the sidelines of the Munich security conference, Grusi said: “I think time is exhausted, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do so quickly.”

“The International Atomic Energy Agency is present and has all the information and elements, but it belongs to the countries of the policy.”

He explained that Iran is increasing its monthly uranium production enriched by 60% to about 7 times.

He said Iran is likely to have around 250 kilograms of uranium enriched by 60% at the time of the next report in the coming weeks.

Reunion of the Board of Directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.
Managing Director of International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi (Reuters)

6 nuclear bombs

According to the IAEA standard, this amount is sufficient, in principle, to make 6 nuclear bombs if uranium is more fertilized.

“It is clear that it is a sign that should be taken very seriously. This is why I think we should not waste more time. I hope we can focus on Iran,” said Grosi.

The European powers hoped to persuade Iran to start negotiating new restrictions on its nuclear activities in order to achieve an agreement by summer.

This would give enough time to implement new restrictions on the Iranian program and lifting sanctions before the end of the 2015 agreement in October 2025.

“We are impatiently awaiting the appointment of an American envoy to Iran so that we can start to exchange opinions and know the next steps. We are in contact, but we could not organize a political conversation with a Personalist, political president, “said Grosi.

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