Human Rights Symposium: Targeting of UNRWA attempt to liquidate the issue of Palestinian political refugees

Specialists in affairs of the United Nations Rescue and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) said that the Israeli occupation was trying to liquidate the issue of Palestinian refugees by targeting this agency, in order to put end to international recognition of their rights.

In a symposium organized by authority 302 to defend the rights of Palestinian refugees last Wednesday, and it was entitled “UNRWA after the law of the prohibition and the risks and mechanisms of confrontation of Trump” crisis, but is rather part of ‘A systematic Israeli plan to cancel legal existence, the politician of the question of Palestinian refugees.

The symposium has indicated that Zionist pressure groups work largely in Western capitals to influence decision -makers and push them towards UNRWA stops, threatening the future of more than 6 million Palestinian refugees who depend on their services in education, health and relief.

The imposition of UNRWA restrictions will exacerbate the difficult humanitarian conditions suffered by Palestinian (French) refugees.

UNRWA filter

In his intervention by the symposium, the media advisor of UNRWA, Adnan Abu Hasna, examined several major points linked to the attack on the agency, stressing his role as a factor of stability, and that it was ‘An important element in stability insurance in Gaza by providing basic services to hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Abu Hasna referred to the charges that Israel directed to the agency, stressing that it had provided no documented evidence of the implication of UNRWA staff in security events, according to the International Committee of Independent international. He also discussed the cessation of the agency’s financing as a tool to put it pressure, noting that 16 countries have ceased to finance for UNRWA in response to Israeli allegations, which he described as an attempted liquidation of the ‘agency and gradually end the issue of Palestinian refugees.

And on the distortion campaigns of the media with which UNRWA was confronted, the Palestinian writer and journalist Ahmed Al -Hajj stressed that Israel had allocated $ 150 million to anti -Unrwa media campaigns, targeting the big international newspapers and social media platforms.

He added that it has become difficult to find neutral news on UNRWA without the results of the search for articles accusing them of terrorism, and said that the European streets were filled with anti-aging announcements, so That the famous place “Times Square” in New York witnessed the presentation of advertising paintings calling for the cessation of the support of UNRWA.

The head of the international authority for the support of the rights of the Palestinian people, Dr. Salah Abdel -Ati, said that the campaign against UNRWA had recently witnessed an unprecedented climbing, because more than 230 of his employees were martyred as a result of Israeli attacks, and a number of them were arrested, and its facilities in the Gaza Strip were exposed to a general destruction that affected about two thirds.

Abdel -ati added that the agency’s headquarters in Jerusalem had been seized with the aim of transforming it into a colony, while its schools in Jerusalem and the West Bank were exposed to repeated incursions, and Israel is looking for the Expel completely and impose restrictions on his work in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Confrontation mechanisms

On what is necessary to face this campaign, the United Nations business expert, Dr. Abdel Hamid Siam, stressed that what is necessary today is a diplomatic and judicial action to stop the attack on UNRWA , noting that the United Nations General Assembly strongly supports the continuation of the agency, while 159 countries have voted in favor of the renewal of its mandate.

Siyam explained that the United Nations is responsible for the protection of the agency and the guarantee of its continuous work, calling for pressure on donor countries for refining, and to prevent Israel from imposing any additional restriction on its work .

As for the former financial director of UNRWA, Dr. Ramadan Al -omari, he provided a deep financial and political analysis for the current situation, explaining that the agency’s financial deficit amounted to $ 400 million .

Al -omari underlined the need to seek alternatives to the agency’s financing, because if you cannot find real and sustainable financing alternatives, you may have to reduce its vital services, which will exacerbate humanitarian conditions in Palestinian camps, especially in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

In this context, he stressed the importance of establishing an Arab and Islamic support fund to ensure independent funding for the agency, far from Western political pressures, and the need to strengthen partnerships with the private sector and Palestinian communities.

Palestinians from the diaspora

For his part, the representative of the Palestinians of the Palestinians of Europe, Adnan Abu Shakra, Stressed that the Palestinians Abroad Are Playing a Pivotal Role in Defending the Unrwa, Stressing the Need to Intensify Efforts To Communicate With Western Politicians and Influence the Political Decision , especially since many Palestinians in Europe have nationalities that give them the right to vote.

He also called to face attempts to integrate Palestinian refugees into the Geneva Convention, because it aims to end the right of return, and considered that the support of Palestinian businessmen in UNRWA can be a major element to ensure sustainable funding.

For his part, the head of the 302 Commission to defend the rights of the Palestinian refugees, Ali Huwaidi, stressed that the continuation of UNRWA is the responsibility of the international community, and not the responsibility of the only refugees.

He added that the Arab and Islamic countries are required to provide greater financial support to UNRWA, so that their funding does not depend on the fluctuations in Western policy, and also called to strengthen the legal movement to hold the ‘Occupation responsible for its violations against violations against the agency and its employees.

In turn, the Palestinian writer Ibrahim Al -Ali – who directed the symposium – said that UNRWA is not only a rescue organization, but rather an international witness to the calamity of the Palestinian people, and that his attempts of filtering means deleting legal capacity on the problem of refugees.

He stressed that the occupation seeks to cancel UNRWA by progressive stages, starting by reducing its funding, by questioning its legitimacy and leading to its expulsion of the occupied territories.

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