He studied in Cairo and an expert in the region. Erik Treger, a Trump mentor in the Middle East political

Washington- He was remarkable in the second line behind the JDD vice-president at the press conference of President Donald Trump with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, previously in the Oriental White House. He also appeared standing on the far right of the oval office on the left of Trump during his meeting with the king of Jordan, Abdullah II, last Tuesday, that he was the coordinator of the Middle East and North Africa to the US National Security Council Eric Tringer.

On occasion, Treger carried a paper folder which is supposed to include files, data, summaries, positions and important figures that the president may need by meeting his guests coming from the Middle East, where he is the Advising the most important and highest of President Trump in the Middle East, and his role is not limited to providing him with advice, but he is one of the most important American decision-makers towards the region.

From there, the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Badr Abdel -Ai, and his Jordanian Ayman Al -Safadi, wanted to meet in the construction of superior employees adjacent to the west wing inside the White House, during From their visit to Washington in the last few days.

He held this position during the presidency of Joe Biden Brett McGurk, who played a central role in the negotiation file with Hamas and reached a ceasefire in Lebanon, and made shuttle visits to the Trump policy of administration in all files in the Middle East.

Trump’s position and tasks to the Trump sent to the Middle East, Stephen Witkeov, do not come up against it, because the latter – the real estate man in New York and Trump’s friend – has no Political experiences in the region, and depends on the transaction method, because it supports Tringer and Witakouf and provides it with the requirements or administration positions towards various problems of the Middle.

Eric Trager is the Fellow of the Esther K. Wagner at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, where his research focuses on Egyptian politics. His writings appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs,
Treger specializes in the study of Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood (communication sites)

Profound experience

Treger was born in New York and he is known for his encouragement to New York baseball teams, and he lives in the prestigious northwest of Washington.

He graduated from Harvard University, where he studied political science and Arabic and Hebrew, then obtained a master’s degree from the American University of Cairo, focusing on Islamic legal reform.

He completed his third cycle studies and obtained his doctorate in political science from the University of Pennsylvania, in a depth study of the Egyptian opposition to former Hosni Mubarak president, including what happened on Place Tahrir during the Arab Spring Wave.

Treger also lived in Cairo, where he studied as a colleague for a “volibright” subsidy in the Islamic civilization program, studied at the American University of Cairo, and obtained a master’s degree in Arab studies by emphasizing on Islamic studies.

Treger is the latest graduate of the Washington Institute for Near East Policies (Winep), which holds management positions in the Den of American Policy, and after leaving him in 2017, he moved to the Senate as an employee of the Committee Foreign relations in the midst of eastern African and northern cases, then he became the main employee of the Committee of Armed Forces that the Council is under the chairmanship of Republican Senator James Anhof.

It should be noted that the Washington Institute was created in 1985 and left the coat of the American Israeli Public Relations Committee “Aipac”, the largest Israeli lobby organizations, and a specific affiliation is not known to the Institute , whether for the for democratic or republican parties, and generally each American administration includes a number of its superior researchers, both at the White House, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the National Security Council, at the Ministry of the “pentagon” of the defense or in the congress.

Treger preceded many researchers from the Institute in various American departments in the past, the most important of which were those who served in the Middle East files two names with a long history, Martin Indik and Denis Ross, and also included a certain Many of the senior Israeli officials and military staff, including the new Israeli Chief of Staff Eyal Zamir.

The Institute indicates on its website that its mission is to “provide knowledge to influence American policy in this vital region of the world and to serve the interests of the United States in the Middle East”.


The Middle East specializes

Treger concentrated during his years of career, which he spent as a researcher at the Washington Institute in Egypt and to the Muslim Brotherhood, and urged the members of the Congress several times in which he presented his Testimony, so as not to meet civil servants, describing them as being a “group of extremist hate”.

He also visited Cairo during the Arab Spring period, and he met many many young people from the Revolution and leaders of Islamic groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, and followed the decision -making process in the group everything Throughout this period, which began with the January 2011 revolution and ended with the reversal of the regime of President Mohamed Morsi.

The Barack Obama administration previously criticized her inability to properly manage her relationship with Egypt when she frozen Cairo military aid for several months after storming Rabaa Al -Adawiya and Al -Nahda, and A Warning against the consequences of pressure on the Egyptian government ,, and warned against the consequences of pressure on the Egyptian government, and said: “The ban on the supply of weapons to Egypt Not dessert Egyptian or Israeli or American interests in the region.

In other aspects, Treger demanded strict with Iran and denounced the nuclear agreement with which the administration of former president Barack Obama was signed in 2015, and he was known for his proximity and his strong relationship With the Emirati ambassador to Washington, Youssef Al -Taiba, and most of the Arab diplomats that have served Washington in the past two decades.

Tripper donation reports confirmed to support a Jewish synagogue in Washington, DC, and the Harvard University Jewish student group, according to data collection data in these organizations.


Its intellectual production

Since October 7, 2023, Treger has ceased to publish his own opinions on his account on the “X” platform, and he was satisfied to republish the comments of the upper members of the armed forces of the Senate on the conflict in the eastern environment, in particular with regard to Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip.

He published criticisms directed against the administration of President Joe Biden on Israeli attack on the strip, in particular the temporary blockage of certain weapons of Israel, and the call to a cease-fire.

Treger was known for the abundance of production, both in the form of opinion articles in the main American newspapers and magazines, such as “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal”, “Washington Post” , “Foreign Averz” and “Foreign Politique”, and was published by dozens of political positions estimates political recommendations during his work at the Washington Institute.

And he published a book in 2016 entitled “The Arab Fall: How did the Muslim Brotherhood won and lost in 891 days” in which he explained his understanding of the reason for the adhesion of fraternity to the January Revolution 2011, and his candidacy for a candidacy for a majority of seats in the 2011-2012 legislative elections and the appointment of presidential candidate in May and June / June 2012, despite his initial promise not to do so.

He relied on the writing of his book on intense research in Egypt and conducted interviews with dozens of leaders and executives of the fraternity, including former President Mohamed Morsi, and has reached a conclusion that “The same characteristics that helped fraternity win the authority also contributed to its rapid disappearance.”

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