Hamas calls for media resistance in the face of new Israeli propaganda

The Islamic resistance movement (Hamas) today called for Arabs and the Palestinians to engage in the resistance of the media to face Israeli psychological propaganda and the war which aims to break the will of the Palestinian people, and Hamas declared in a declaration that “the occupation is leading media and psychological war.”

She considered that the occupation campaigns “intersect with letters emitted by parties in accordance with her, attacking the resistance option and weakening the constancy of our people” and added in her declaration that “the war of propaganda of the target occupation our Almoravid people and the free voices which defended it and the resistance option.”

The movement has confirmed their trust that the Palestinian people “will remain firm, adhering to their rights, the greatest number of which is the possibility of complete resistance as a more effective means of restoring the land and the holy sites”, and stressed that the occupation campaigns “will not succeed in destabilizing the determination of our people or influencing the will to resistance”.

She called on the media and activists to engage in the widest media and interactive efforts to “support and resist our people” and declared in the press release: “We call the masses of our people in the fatherland and the diaspora, and our whole nation is free to cope with disinformation campaigns.”

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