Five former American defense ministers called on the congress to hold immediate hearings on the recent rejection of the chief of president Donald Trump of the chief of the chiefs of joint staff and a number of other senior military leaders.
The former ministers urged the Congress to prevail responsible for its “reckless” dismissal of military officials, and they called for not accepting new appointments for the Pentagon before justifying the rejection of the army.
The five men – who have represented republican and democratic administrations in the past three decades – have said that the disturbances have been worrying and raised “disturbing questions about the administration’s desire to politicize the army” and to suppress legal restrictions on the authority of the president.
At the end of last week, Trump dismissed Air Force General Cyo Brown Junior of the president of the heads of joint staff, followed by the rejection of the Minister of Defense Beit Higseth to the franchise of Admiral Lisa, chief of maritime operations and General Jim Sleev, deputy chief of the air force and general legal advisers for military services.
In a message signed by former ministers William Perry, Leon Baneita, Hekk Hakl, Jim Mattis and Lad Austin, there was no real justification for the dismissal because many officers were appointed by Trump for previous positions.
The letter added that the military staff developed have perfect professional marches, including operational and combat experiences.
“We, like many Americans, including many soldiers – conclude that these leaders have been rejected for purely parties,” said the letter, adding: “We do not ask the members of the Congress to do our courtesy; we ask them to do their work.”
Earlier, the Washington Post said that the sudden dismissal of 6 American army officers was deeply concerned and, in a report of two of its correspondents for defense and national security – that the purification process in which the president overthrew a high officer and 5 other senior officials, all of the Pentagon, pushed the military to the unknown.