Elon Musk, the star of the first meeting of the Trump Government Nouvelles

The presence of Elon Musk at the first meeting of the US President Donald Trump, who confirmed that his “Saeed” team with the exceptional authority granted to his advisor, despite the tasks associated with the mission entrusted to him to reduce the expenses and size of the federal administration.

Trump asked the technological pole – who wore a black hat that said “to make America a new” again ” – to stand up and talk about the controversial program for the” management of the government’s efficiency “established by Trump and was entrusted to him to supervise it.

“If we do not do it, America will go bankrupt,” the richest in the world told the members of the White House in the White House, adding that “he is exposed to many difficult criticisms, and he receives a lot of threats” because of his new work.

The founder of the company SPES X and Tesla said that his work was to provide “modest technical support” to the Trump government, before opening its houses to reveal a black shirt on which “artistic support” was written in large white letters.

While underestimating the importance of media reports according to which certain members of the government expressed their dissatisfaction with the electronic messages sent by the “management of government efficiency” to federal employees asking them to justify their employment or their exposure to dismissal, Musk declared that it was “the best government of all time” and thanked its members for their “support” for them.

In the midst of laughter and applause, Trump said: “Is there someone who feels dissatisfied with Elon Musk?” (French)


In addition, Trump spoke to its members of the government, who sat around a huge wooden table, notably the Minister of Foreign Affairs Marco Rubio and the Minister of Defense Beit Higseth.

In the midst of laughter and applause, Trump said: “Is there someone who feels dissatisfied with Elon Musk? If someone is too, we will expel him.”

“Some people may differ a little with me, but I will tell you that I think most of them are not only happy, but they are very happy,” he added.

Messages sent by the Government Department of Effectiveness have sparked confusion in Washington. In response, most departments have called on their employees to ignore them or reduce the lack of response to them.

But Trump has confirmed that employees who did not respond to these messages risk loss of their job.

Although a ministerial portfolio or an official authority to make decisions has not been possessed, it was classified as a “private government employee” and a “main advisor”, when he is often seen alongside Trump more than vice-president JD Vans or even the first lady Melania Trump.

Before the meeting, Trump reduced the importance of the reports which indicated the tensions in the context of the influence of Musk and his domination of the circle near him. “All members of the government are very satisfied with Eileon.”

The government meeting, as well as the session of the questions and answers that followed him and continued for an hour with the media, represented a chance for Trump to pay his second program.

The American president announced the progress of negotiations to end the Russian war against Ukraine, noting that Ukrainian President Faludmir Zellinski should visit the White House on Friday to sign an agreement that allows Washington to benefit from the rare minerals of Kev.

Trump had concerned his allies by starting direct talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He also announced on Wednesday that he would impose customs tasks of 25% on many European products and considered that “the European Union was created to harm in the United States”.

Trump surrounded himself during the meeting with characters he chose in many cases according to his loyalty to him (Reuters)

Exciting characters

During the meeting, Trump surrounded himself with personalities he chose in many cases according to his loyalty to him and to commit to implementing government programs and the number of federal employees that Musk could approve, as well as the implementation of the president’s campaign to diversify.

The Senate has approved all Trump’s candidates to occupy government positions so far, despite the Democrats criticizing their history and their lack of experience.

The list of dialectical personalities includes the Minister of Health and Humanitarian Services, Robert Kennedy Junior, who is known for his skepticism in vaccines, the national intelligence director Tolsi Gabbard who adopted conspiracy theories, and the Minister of Defense Beit Higseth, a former broadcaster at Fox News who accused the sexual assault.

The former head of the majority of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, was the only republican opponent to confirm Kennedy as Minister of Health, knowing that this appointment has raised the concern of medical society because of its history by promoting misleading information on vaccines and has committed to suspend research on infectious diseases.

The influence of Musk, who contributed to the financing of Trump’s electoral campaign in 2024, and to the domination of his presence over all these officials, is an unprecedented position in the modern history of the United States.

As the owner of the X platform and a major figure in the American space program, its influence infiltrates almost every corners of politics in Washington.

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