“The jurisprudence to come to God” is an integrated approach to the purity of the soul and the purification of the heart, the balance between acts of worship and transactions, and seeks to revive the spiritual dimension in the life of the contemporary Muslim which was submerged by materialism and its occupation of the cabarets.
Episode 20/3/17/17 of the program “Sharia and Life in Ramadan”, which broadcasts on the platform “Al -jazeera 360”, Treatise on the subject of the jurisprudence to come to God.
The professor of jurisprudence and contemporary questions at the Colia’s college of the University of Qatar, Dr Fadl Abdullah Murad, explained that the jurisprudence of God’s demand is a science concerned by the purification of the soul and the purification of the heart for the demand of God, noting that it is part of a broader renewal project called “jurisprudence of” ” deals with life in everything concerning.
He added: “There is a missing jurisprudence or a missing link
And Dr. Murad offered the eight origins of the jurisprudence to come to God, namely: care and disinfection of the heart, to avoid sins, piety for suspicions, obligations and prestige, prayer care, patience, justice and charity, divine in the science of Sharia law.
The guest focused on the centrality of the heart in Islam, explaining that it had been mentioned 132 times in the Holy Quran, and that heart disease negatively affects human behavior and his relationship with his Lord and the others.
He stressed that the most dangerous heart disease of our time are desires and suspicions, in addition to arrogance, envy and spill of pleasures.
The importance of piety
As for major slices and sins, Dr. Murad warned against the need to avoid them, citing the all-powerful by saying: “If you avoid the major things that are prohibited to you, we do not believe your bad deeds.”
He stressed that a person does not insist on sins, regardless of their size, because persistence transforms them into major.
The guest addressed the importance of piety and to leave suspicion, stressing that the researchers agree that “the exit of the dispute is desirable” and that “the congregation of religion and the precautionary taking are a question”.
He criticized certain contemporary fatwas which he described as a diet, considering that he violates the origins of good jurisprudence.
Dr. Murad also underlined the status of prayer in Islam, describing it as a “journey to God” and “a date of five times with God”, providing practical advice to achieve this, the most important of which is: remember the almighty saying: “The believers who are in their prayers have succeeded in their prayers”, and the example of the Prophet, peace and blessings.
At the end of the episode, Dr. Murad gave a set of advice to Muslims during the month of Ramadan, in particular: not to leave the tendon and the night, and daily forgiveness, the constitution of the memory of God, the charity of prayer, the avoidance of sins, the abundance of supplication and the praise of God for his grace.
He also warned against the dependence of mobile phones and distractions that a Muslim passes the cult of his Lord.