De Vans highlights a fierce defender of Trump News


The meeting between American president Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Voludmir Zellinski, turned into a controversial scene when JD Vans, vice-president, interfered with a sharp comment while sitting on a sofa in front of Trump in the oval office.

After Zelinski asked for an explanation on the call to diplomacy with Russia, Vans replied: with respect, I think it is inappropriate to come to the oval office and to try to discuss this question in front of the American media.

“You should thank the president for his attempt to put an end to this conflict,” said Vans.

Although this meeting highlighted the tensions between Zelinski and Trump, she also revealed the growing role that Vans plays as a fierce defender of the American president.


Democrats accused the White House of having placed Zelinski in an offensive position in the oval office, but an enlightened source said that the confrontation between Vans and the Ukrainian president “occurred without prior planning”.

The fans, 40, managed to establish his position as fierce defender of Trump, which made him occupy a leading position among the other assistants of the president, including the billionaire Elon Musk.

“It was an exhibition for Ji de Verse. Vans is different from Elon. For him, sit and face Zelinski in front of Trump was a very big moment. He moved to support the president, and Trump likes to initiate people with the confrontation he usually did,” said an American official – who asked not to be identified.

A senior White House official said that the meeting had changed its course when Zelinski was vice-president.

Zelinski reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin does not respect the 2019 cease-fire agreement and asked Vans to explain his efforts to diplomacy.

“What kind of diplomacy, JD, are you talking about?” Said Zellinski in English.

And Vans replied: “Sir, I’m talking about the type of diplomacy that will end the destruction of your country.”

Vance showed his tendency to face during a trip to Munich in February, where he accused European leaders of imposing censorship on freedom of expression and the non-migration of immigration.

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