Introduction to the editor: after we previously published a subject about a recent study Issued by the German Technical University in Munich, It Warned that the continuation of Climate Changes May Lead to the Sinking of the Egyptian City of Alexandria, We Received from the Alexandrian Architecture Sarah Fouad, Munich Technical University, in Responsible to the Statements of Dr. Abbas Sharqi about the Research that dealt with risks that threaten alexandria due to climatic changes and human factors. We publish Dr Sarah Fouad’s response in the implementation of the right to professional response.
The researcher said: “At a time when we arrived at many positive and praise assessments for the scientific value To seek By determining the reason for the high percentage of buildings which collapse in Alexandria due to human factors and climate change in the past two decades and the way of avoiding these risks with preventive measures in the development of the coastal strip, researchers specializing in the scope of the study in major international universities, we have reached the comments of Dr Abbas Sharqi, in which research describes as an exaggeration exaggerated and uses political efforts for political objectives.
“The scientific team welcomes all the criticisms based on facts to enrich the discussion, but it clearly emerges here from Dr. Sharqi’s words that its disagreement is not a scientific dispute, but it expresses an unhappy and growing model that flirts with civil servants by reducing the role of scientific research in understanding complex crises.”
The researcher said that “knowing that scientific facts do not bother the officials, but they help them and draw their attention to the remedy and problem solving”.
She said: “Despite the recognition of Dr. Sharqi according to which the study contains scientific facts, he asked questions about his objective and described it as political when he declared: this study uses scientific facts to serve political objectives, wondering the reason for the jurisdiction of the study of Alexandria, although most cities of the Mediterranean Sea in North Africa and the rise Sea and the beaches of the ground, the rise according to the climb according to the climb according to the rise according to the salary of the soil, the salit Salages … Egyptian government to protect this ancient city, professor of geology at the University of Cairo, in its interview with Al -jazeera Net, recognized the presence of certain problems in the cities of Alexandria and Marsa Matrouh.
“Our scientific team has published in recent years a large number of published and judicial research on a large number of coastal cities, not only Alexandria, because Dr. Sharqi’s error is called in his statements,” said the researcher. “Our team had the effect of climate change in coastal cities North Africa as Tunisia AndLibya And the Gulf States are like Bahrain AndQatarAnd the last one is our research last year, which talks about the phenomenon of corrosion California In the United States, no researcher or civil servant specializing in these countries has come out to say that the objective of the study is political.

On the contrary, officials welcomed these studies which help them to avoid these risks, but rather in a gesture which reflects the sophistication of societies. In its entirety, the pain of residents of Alexandria, who suffer from the growing collapse of buildings. “”
Said: “3 Alexandrians participated in the writing of this research, and they are the competent scientific professor, Dr. Ibrahim Saleh and Dr. Nessma Mohamed – who are both from Alexandria University – and Dr Sarah Fouad, the architect of the engineering faculty at the Munich Technical University and the Scientific Excellence Award to the prestigious German German Foundation.”
“What happened to our scientific team was surprised is that Dr. Sharqi’s contempt for the collapse of buildings in Alexandria when he said: Alexandria is a big city that includes more than 500,000 buildings, and if 40 buildings collapsed annually, it is a percentage that does not call for fear. Bishr last year, which led to the death of 10 people.
The researcher asked Dr. Sharqi, saying, “How many buildings and people who should die every year in Alexandria so that the question is not exaggerated and calls for fear?

The researcher explains that “despite the recognition of Dr. Sharqi to the presence of risks which threaten the 7,000 buildings mentioned by the study, he accused him of being exaggerated”.
She says: “In order to answer this point, we do not need to mention how the study was based on a solid scientific basis in its results, and it was judged by specialists and published in a magazine of the largest specialized areas, but we wonder if Dr. Sharqi sees in this number (7 thousand properties) Alexandria.”
According to Fouad, the last of these declarations was the official briefing made by the representative Mahmoud Essam in the House of Representatives to withdraw more than 6 thousand buildings in Alexandria, and asks: “Are these official declarations political or embarrassing for civil servants or the scientific facts that have been neglected by Dr. Sharqi’s statements?”
The researcher says: “From the above, it is clear that Dr. Sharqi’s statements express his opinion on the basis of general knowledge, fast reading and common information without considering the scientific and precise engineering methodology carried out by the specialized research team for 3 years. California, NASA.
“Egyptian researchers participated in the study, they were misunderstood by politicization and betrayal led by a researcher who is not specialized in the scope of the study, and without any research in this field, and has published this in well-known Arab platforms. The coastal cities of the southern Mediterranean, as mentioned in the study. “”

The researcher says: “Dr. Sharqi stressed that the study had not specified the specifications of the buildings which collapsed, whether large or old or simple or not constructed in a deliberate way, because he added that the first is that the buildings near the beach are exposed to the collapse”, and it adds “, with our complete respect for Dr. Sharqi, this spring is not real and indicates a superficial reading, We searched the Collited and indicates a superficial reading, we searched the Collited and indicates a superficial reading, we have sought the invented of the realization and are not real and indicate a superficial reading, we have sought the Collited and indicates a surface reading, we have sought invents of the realization and are not real and indicate a superficial reading, we have sought the collitated and Indicates a superficial reading, we have sought the Collited and Insided and IF is an old or modern, the government’s relationships and the statistics that we have collected in hard efforts for years. “”
She added: “Like research, which was based on official state reports, explained that most of the destroyed or threatened buildings are located in the districts closest to the beach. One of the important examples is the building which collapsed in Sidi Bishr in 2023, which is made up of 13 floors. This can be confirmed by reading the whole research.”
- Al -jazeera Net publishes this response in the implementation of the values of journalistic work which oblige us to give space to all parties to the discussion. The opinions mentioned in the response do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al-Jazeera.