An Egyptian player strikes the doors of the American Football League Sportif

The young Ahmed Hassanein is about to enter the history of American football from the broad door, because he dreams of being the first Egyptian player to participate in the famous championship (NFL).

Over the past two years, Hassanein has become one of the most important talents of this game at US universities, where the Star of the Star of Defense of the University of Boys has been prepared.

Hassanein drew the attention of many coaches and scouts of American football teams, during an annual exhibition match held every year and the best university football players from throughout the United States are known as (East-West Shrine Bowl), so that they can present their skills in preparation for what is known as “NFL”.

And “The Fl Draft” is an annual event organized by the American National Football Association, in which the 32nd teams choose the best university talents to join its ranks, which is done at the end of April of each year.

Several teams such as Indianapolis Kultins Dallas Kobuiz, New York Genus, C Hoks, Canas City Chevs and Indianapolis Kultins were very interested in obtaining the services of Ahmed Hassanein.

Hassanein’s childhood and her love for sports

Ahmed Hassanein was born in the United States in 2001, but he returned to Egypt at the age of the seventh, in which he learned the Arabic language and merged into Egyptian culture.

His life was not easy, because he has gone through difficult circumstances after the separation of his parents, which made him use sport as a good way to get out of difficult times, so he practiced several sports, including archery, boxing, basketball, volleyball and football.

After 10 years, his half-brother visited him in Egypt and was coach of American football in a high school and asked him to return to the United States and play the game.

“At that time, I did not know what this game, I only saw players running and colliding with each other. I said it looked funny,” said Hassanein in an interview with the American Draft Network.

It should be noted that his father agreed to return to the United States and already started playing American football at the age of 18, despite his inability to speak English.

Ahmed Hassanein, American football player
After hardening exercises, Hassanein developed his defensive performance until he exceeds many of his colleagues (communication sites)

In his early days, he said: “They put me like an offensive wing, but I could not pick up the ball, then try me as a defensive back. In fact, it was very complicated for me.”

“In the end, the coaches decided to put me in the defense line and simply told me the player who wears the ball, I said it was easy.”

Hassanein continued: “Sometimes I illegally threw players. And another, I punched them and pulled them out of the helmets, so I did not know the laws,” continued Hassanein.

The turning point in Hayyin’s life came when he watched Aaron Donald (a former star who played 10 years with Saint-Louis and Los Angeles Ramez), he was more linked to the game, but to play in the NFL, he had to get a sports subsidy for the university league, and to play in high school until he was discovered.

After hardening exercises, Hassanein developed his defensive performance until he exceeds many of his colleagues, then he began to draw attention to the university level.

After his broadcast of videos, Spencer Danielsen, boys’ coach Stet, sent Hassan to join the team, and there he developed quickly and became one of the best players of his team.

“It was a great experience,” he said.

“I tried to highlight the personality of my management in the field, and although I have not played for a long time, I have gained a lot of respect for many coaches in the teams in competition from the American National Football League, and the scouts looked at me. It was a great opportunity to prove myself.”

When asked what he would do with the team he chooses? “In fact, they will get a good player, I will do my best to help him win. No matter what role they ask for, but I will play the best possible way.”

“I want to deliver American football to Egypt and encourage our young people to play here in the United States. It is an excellent opportunity and I am very grateful,” he said.

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