5 billion euros, revenue from tickets to the German league last season at sports

Ticket income and clubs recorded record numbers in Germany in the football championships for the first and second classes for the 2023-2024 season, according to the DFL association on Tuesday.

The association, which leads the first and second class championships in Germany, said that the total turnover of last season amounted to 5.87 billion euros ($ 6.4 billion), an increase of 12% compared to the previous record recorded in 2022-2023.

A total of 20.74 million tickets were sold last season to exceed the number of 20 million for the first time.

The average public presence in the league made up of 18 teams was higher than the average European leagues, including the Premier League, the Italian League and the Spanish League.

The second League division, which has an average public attendance, has exceeded similar figures for the French first division and the American league, the barrier of one billion euros as a income for the first time.

In a related context, the Bavarian giant of Bayern Munich last season exceeded the barrier of a billion euros of income for the first time, despite his third place in the ranking behind Bayer Leverkusen, who was crowned without any defeat and also won the title of the Cup.

At a time when fears surrounding clubs and patrols increase throughout Europe, about half of the first and second classes in Germany were in good position last season.

German clubs apply a 50 + 1 form which forces members affiliated to have 50% and one of the club’s shares.

This model restricts foreign investments and foreign property, while seeking to guarantee that members have an opinion on club instructions.

The figures show how German football has recovered from the Kofid-19 pandemic, because the match used 62,000 people across the country last season, which represents a record of the record, which amounted to 56,000 during the 2018-2019 season, that is to say in the last season before the triggering of the pandemic.

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