The interview of American president Donald Trump to the Ukrainian president of the White House has shown a new orientation in the foreign policy of the United States towards the relations between the United States of America, Russia on the one hand and between the role of the United States of America in the protection of Europe and its continuous support for Ukraine on the other.
The interview also showed an American diplomatic predecessor that the White House had not seen by crossing internationally recognized diplomatic standards. Perhaps history will later mention this interview as a point of reappearance of the priorities of American foreign policy, then the characteristics of a new universal system, in which the United States of America does not play the role of the world policeman as he was there since the collapse of the former Soviet Union in the early 90s of the last century.
President Trump tried to change the direction of American foreign policy a change that has not occurred in his modern history since the end of the Second World War.
Trump and World War Security arrangements
The founding fathers of the United States of America pursued an foreign policy based on political isolation, completely moving away from European conflicts and renovating the development of the United States of America.
The policy of isolation continued for a long time before the First World War, while the United States entered the war two years after its ignition, so that American soldiers would return to its country of origin after the end of the war, and the United States of America returns to adopt the international isolation policy and to move away from European and others in the world.
The Japanese attack incident against the American Harper office base was a direct cause of the United States to enter the Second World War to suggest the palm of the Allies, and Germany, Japan and their allies have afflicted deadly losses that promote their surrender and the end of the war.
After the End of World War II, The United States of America Abandoned The Policy of International Isolation and adopted a New International Policy in Which It Plays the Role of the Global Policeman, and Assistred Other International Powers Allied to Build International International Institutions and Organizations, Such As the United Nations, the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, Global Trade Organization- which Later Developed to Become the World Trade Organization- To Form the features of the International System that has extended since then to then to our current time.
It was also one of the international arrangements to which the United States committed after the end of the Second World War of its allies in Western Europe were to provide a military protection umbrella through NATO as the strongest international military alliance in which the United States played a major role.
If we leave the noise of the media – which often accompanies President Trump’s statements – we find that the latter has fully achieved the high financial cost of the United States Directorate, especially in the protection of Europe, the confrontation of Russia and others.
Trump won the last presidential elections because he raised the slogan “America first and made America a new big”, and perhaps this slogan constitutes an official indirect announcement by President Trump that the role of American hegemony ended, which will open the door widely to the emergence of new international powers trying to fill the void that will constitute the absence of the American military role in the continent of Europe and other regions of the world.
These changes will undoubtedly raise important questions for many countries on the European continent such as Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy on reading the latest American positions in the Ukraine War and the restoration of diplomatic and commercial relations between America and Russia.
Europe has realized that the era of American protection can be in the process of completion, and it must therefore take rapid and decisive practical measures to form pure European defense force against the Russian ambitions of expansionist on Europe.
Can Europe train its own military block?
Europe does not appear in the best condition and tries to touch its traces by dealing with the American president Trump, because he does not want to cut Muawiyah’s hair between her and the United States of America, and on the other hand, he cannot resist the burden of the enormous financial cost to protect the European continent, as well as to support the efforts of the war, and to face Russia strong.
France has proposed to contribute to the extension of Europe with a nuclear umbrella that Russia protects and dissuaded from any future aggressive attack, and has also been committed to continuing the support of Ukraine even if President Trump completely abandoned Ukraine and Europe. France and certain other European countries have also expressed its desire to send international peacebakers to monitor any ceasefire agreement in Ukraine, which Russia is currently rejecting.
The effects of Trump’s foreign policy trends to Ukraine and Russia have started to push Europe to announce the increase in the defense and national security budget with an unprecedented increase, which will increase its contribution to NATO soldiers.
Perhaps the Ukrainian war will be an important step in German military spending, as it has increased its spending since the start of the Ukrainian war to around one hundred billion US dollars. The next government in Germany will try to continue to increase military and economic spending to support the European Defense Umbrella in the light of the real fears of the future of NATO.
Without the legislation of the American congress which would prevent the American president from withdrawing from the army of NATO unilaterally without referring to the congress, Trump would have found a way to withdraw early.
Europe has many other options that Ukraine can help despite the economic and political problems that the old continent is going through.
The secret of the relationship between Trump and Putin
In the past, any Russian American rapprochement was a source of hope for the stability of world security and the spread of international peace. Although President Trump calls on to improve relations with Russia and to raise their economic sanctions, and to arrest war in Ukraine so that the world avoids a third world war that seems good, this rapprochement between Presidents Trump and Putin seems to be strange and exciting for many concerns instead of sending hope among many international actors.
The special relationship between Trump and Putin is confused by many American observers and politicians.
For example, he doubled his pressure against Ukraine until she breaks down the conditions of peace with Russia by making her freeze American aid, which will represent a great danger for the progress of military operations, unless Trump retracts his decision, or European countries interfere strongly to compensate for the loss of American support in Ukraine.
The Russian president will try to make the most of the American rapprochement to break the economic blockade and international isolation of Russia without making fundamental concessions in the Ukrainian war, and could have been able to keep part of the land occupied by his forces in Ukraine, strengthening European concerns concerning the Russian enlargement.
There is no doubt that the new positions of President Trump concerning Ukraine and Russia will push Europe to be more independent than the United States, and will make Russia an important international power, which can fight wars and bite the land of other countries without dissuasive or serious consequences.
Trump began his second mandate with the dismantling of the rules of the global regime that the United States has established since the end of the Second World War, and took care of him and preserved long decades which made it the police and the ban.
And if the situation continues – as it is now – there will be a new multiple global system that includes the United States, Russia and Europe regardless of the United States, as well as China and other countries that you are trying to find a foot in this multiple world, such as India, Brazil and Turkey.
The danger of dealing with Trump in his second mandate lies in his fact that he feels an exaggerated feeling of his ability to solve many internal problems of the United States of America, as well as complex global problems according to a political vision which is not subject to the examination and exam by an experienced consultant team, as was the case during his first mandate.
Trump can be able to report in the United States to preserve security arrangements after the Second World War, but he will not be able to control global control of the formation of a new multipolar system.
The coming years reveal if this system – if it is based – will make a world characterized by security and stability, or will look more like a world order between the two world wars; The first and the second, where international competition and colonial ambitions were up to their loan.
The opinions of the article do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al-Jazeera.