Sheikh Ould al -Dado: The Prophet founded 3 security services and his choice of his companions was not random religion

The Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Ould Al -Dado says that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, chose his companions at the beginning of Islam according to the rules, and he explained that he removed the customs of pre-Islamic and instilled in them the grandfather and the skin until they let them direct the world for 13 centuries.

During episode 2025/10/1025The prophet leader“Sheikh Ould Al -Dado has treated the attributes of the Prophet, may the prayers and peace of God be on him and his family, and his origins and merits, and how he also raised his companions on sweetness and mercy, the bows of the elderly, sympathy for young people, amnesty to the capacity and population of their houses.

But the most important thing that Sheikh Ould Al -Dado has treated is the side of security and intelligence that the Prophet, that the prayers and peace of God are on him, took care early, and the way in which he divides his first companions, each according to his personal circumstances, his capacities and his separation between them during the meeting in a way that did not reveal their matter.

Unlike the civil era, which was famous for science and to clarify judgments such as slaughter, division, food resolution and prohibition, the mechanical era was concerned with raising the soul, concealing, synergy, consolidation of doctrine and suppressing the inflammation of the habit of adultery and consumption of wine and considering a path of man and honor.

3 safety devices

According to the Mauritanian Sheikh, the Prophet, that the prayers and the peace of God were on him, had 3 secret security services, the first of which was his personal security device (Al -harraz) led by Abdullah Bin Masoud, the owner of the secret, the cushion, the Miswak and the only one, who authorized him to raise the secret Al -Bayt).

As for the second device – as Ould Al -Dado says – the group’s safety apparatus, led by Hudhayfah Ibn Al -Maman, had to discover all those who have hypocrisy and who would enter Muslims, and among its members, Abu Hurairah, may God be satisfied with all.

And the sheikh tells about the authority of Abu Hurairah he said in this regard: “I took the prophet and two knowledge of knowledge. Abdullah bin al -mughafal reported that Abu Hurairah quoted the Prophet, that God blesses him and grants him peace, as” the ruin of my nation is in the hands of Akilimah. “

It is said that Abu Hurairah, that God is satisfied with him, said this hadith in the mosque one day, and Marwan Bin Al -hakam was present, so he seemed to be.

As for the third aircraft, it was for state security and its mission to feel the news, and it was led by Amr Bin Abi Umayyah Al -Dhamri, which was called the expatriate of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings are on him because he precedes him in each trip for a month.

Among the members of this aircraft, there is Safwan Bin al -Moatal Al -Salami, who was lagging behind the Prophet, peace and blessings are on him, every day and every night, then he will be attached, then he will be in the great day and night, then will join him.

It is the one who brought the mother of believers, Aisha, that God be satisfied with her, in the Batwa of Bin Al -Mutlaq, so that was a reason for the dismantling incident. The work of these devices did not stop after the death of the Prophet, may the prayers and peace of God be on him and his family and his companions, because they are one of the necessities of the States, according to Sheikh Ould Al -Dado.

Determination of polytheists

It should be noted – according to the Mauritanian Sheikh – may He, may the prayers and peace of God be on him, stayed for 3 years in Mecca, and he called for Islam only those who trust them, and before that, three invited anyone. But when he ordered to crack in his religion, people divided 3 sections for each of them who suits him.

The first section -and the conversation of the son of Al -Dado -understood those who could resist the charges of the call and the new religion, and they were 40 men who did not suffer from obstacles in themselves or in society around them, and he made a special headquarters in Dar Al -Arqam Bin Abi Al -Arqam.

The choice of Dar Al -Arqam was not in vain -according to the Sheikh -but because the figures were a rich young man who had no children at that time and his house was wide and located in Al -Safa and near the Zamzam well, it was not surprising that people leave from him because they could have floated around and have made the Safa or the Drank from Zamzam.

In addition, the figures belonged to the Blood Party which fought Abdul -Muttalib Hostility before the birth of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, when they refused to be based on the well of Zamzam without them when he knew his place, and the meeting at his house was a kind of stubborn polytheists.

As for the second part of the people, they were also unknown, but the prophet, peace either on him, gave them acts and gave their meeting at the house of Saeed Bin Zaid (the cousin of Omar Bin Al -Khattab and his sister Fatima) and he was also blood of the blood because he returned to Adi Bin Kaab.

And who included this section, Abdullah Bin Masoud, and it was a shepherd of sheep that people ask if a sheep lacked them, and if they asked at night, then his presence in the figure house to reveal the question, as Sheikhul al -dado says.

This section also included Ammar Bin Yasir, who was a merchant selling simple necessities for people, and Habab bin al -Art was mourning for knives, and the presence of one or the other in the house of figures – which comes from the masters of the people – was a dubious affair.

Special education

In the third section, Sheikh Ould Al -Dado says that he included those who wore something ignorance in themselves, and the Prophet, that the prayers and the peace of God were on him, accepted them and did not affect them at work at the start of the concern for the Secrecy, including Abu Dhar Al -Ghaffari, Jandab Bin Janadah and Al -Tofail -Dossi.

According to Al -Dado’s son, the Prophet, peace on him, raised the first and second parts of patience, skin, confidentiality and hard work, and their meeting helped him in the inhabitants of Abu Talib when he was trapped for 3 years.

Ataba Bin Ghazwan said, “We saw each other in people with the Prophet, and we have no one, but the stone was blindfolded on the belly of hunger.

The period of raising the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was for his companions at the mechanical era 13 years old, and this highlighted a generation which built the state of Islam, which reigned 13 centuries until the fall of the Ottoman caliphate, as Sheikh Ould al -dado says.

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