Druze’s religious sanctuaries find their influence in AS-Suwayda with the climbing of interest in culture spirituality

AS -Suwayda – The Religious Shrines of the Druze of AS -Suwayda have regained some of its Influence within the public Social Space During the Years of the Revolution Against the Regime of Bashar Al -Assad, and in A Growing Manner During the Past Five Years, and Sheikh Fadel Taqi Al -Din justifies that The intensification of ideas related to the end of time and the major epic, which was spoken of “The Sewage of the Resurrection”, one of the Religious Texts of the Druze.

Many residents of the region believe that the approach of religious sanctuaries in recent years referred them to advice and even in the city center itself. “”

The sanctuary of Ain Al -zaman is in the middle of the Endosperm with great importance for the Druze, and in the opinion of Muhammad Tarabih, the head of the Al -adiyat association, the Suwayda branch, this place is the most important, and he says that at the same time, before the name of the period, before the name of “dates” and duration of the time The duration of the duration of the duration of the duration of the track both for the time that the fact of the duration of the duration of the duration of the duration of the way both for the time to do so on the part of the duration of the way both for the duration of the duration of the way both in the way in which once for the fact of doing it. Aganism, and also the place was in the past the school which has come out of many teachers currently known in the province. »»

Two girls are the candles in place of Ain Al -zaman (Al -jazeera)
Two girls are the candles in place of Ain Al -zaman (Al -jazeera)

Ritual visits

Sheikh Tayseer Ragab, Diwan chief in the first place, confirms that visits have never been cut there, which are ritual visits such as the wish, the visit of the bride and the regular visit of the blessing.

ويضيف رئيس الديوان في المقام ( المقام ، فإنها تكون للمحتاجين بالمقام الأول ، وللقع ك chas Specialized nerve clinic, a nutrition clinic, a nuclear medicine clinic, in addition to a hearing planning device, which provides all its services in the health program, according to specific dates, in addition to cash aid to cover the costs of certain surgeries.

The Sanctuary of Ain Al -zaman from the interior (Al -jazeera)
The Sanctuary of Ain Al -zaman from the interior (Al -jazeera)

With the beginning of the Syrian revolution against the Assad regime, the hill on which the sanctuary of “Shehan” was located in the city of Shahba witnessed the rise of the flag of the Revolution, for a short period before the security forces rushed and withdrawn region, one of which is probably “the Korani” they go to the village of Al -Suwaimra, where the place currently in the village of Al -Suwaimra.

Sanctuary of Tel Shihan on a volcanic hill (Al -jazeera)
Sanctuary of Tel Shihan on a volcanic hill (Al -jazeera)

Currently, the MAQAM is still able to attract visitors to it with great efficiency, this is what it explains to Al -jazeera, Sheikh Kamal Al -Khatib, responsible for the Maqam.

Sheikh Al -Khatib adds: “With the first of each month Hijri, and on Friday evening blessed, a public religious evening is relaunched by our sheikhs from all the Villages of the Mountain (Jabal Houran), and with regard to the financial procedures that the judgment of the offers of the sanctuary, we have a committee made up of 7 people from the city of Shahba and the villages of Shemh and the distribution of what is decided, where each month is distributed 7 million and 250,000 Syrian pounds to each of the villages of Al -la and the East of Muqrin permanently and periodically, in addition to ensuring the education of 12 students of skills and those who have a limited income or orphans until the diploma is obtained.

The entrance to the sanctuary of Abd al -Mar to Sakhkh (Al -jazeera)
The entrance to the sanctuary of Abd al -Mar to Sakhkh (Al -jazeera)

Maqamat on the hills

This increases many religious sanctuaries of Druze on remote hills, in a suggestion of meaning of isolation, worship and connotations of height, where the sanctuary of Mar Abbad is located or (the shepherd of the clouds), and is also known as Abd Al -Mar, on a hill in the city of Sakhd, which is a valid goalkeeper Fleeze in Israel who lived in the time of the pohe.

“The Maqam is located south of the city of Salkh and the needy.”

Sheikh Jabour connects the decline in the vision of religious sanctuaries in AS -Suwayda, with the effect of the Internet on the social conscience of the public, as well as the limited role of the clergy in the publication of information related to religious sanctuaries.

The sanctuary of Abd al -Mar in Salkhad, as it appears remotely (Al -jazeera)
The sanctuary of Abd al -Mar in Salkhad, as it appears remotely (Al -jazeera)

The influence of the influence of religious sanctuaries also appears on the consciousness of the Druze, and their beliefs are clearly when they have destroyed the construction of a sanctuary which only bears the name of the true sanctuary, as is the case with the sanctuary of the prophet Shuaib, which is in the village of Caesarée, while the real sanctuary is in Palestine occupies.

“The maqam in caesima is honored, a religious symbol, and no more, and it was built in 1920, and it was restored in 1940, and was used as a school until 1960, and the sheikhdom of the mind determined by an official decision to visit the maqam on april 24 of each year, Of Visitors on this occasion Reaches More Than a Thousand People, and the Maqam is not without Visitors Every Day, as is the case of followed visits, there are visits from outside the governorate, visits to the wishes, visiting new brides, visiting leisure or entertainment, given that the maqam is characterized by a wonderful place and calm and distinctive services and permanent water.

The sanctuary of the prophet Shuaib, the village of Qaisma (Al -jazeera)
The sanctuary of the prophet Shuaib, the village of Qaisma (Al -jazeera)

Judah believes that, despite scientific and cognitive progress, religious sanctuaries still maintain their ideological importance among the Druze almohads.

While Mohamed Tarabiah, president of the Ahadiyat association, the Suwayda branch, is considered that science and progress has ceased to announce the development of new religious sanctuaries in AS -Suwayda, and Tarabia adds to Al -jazeera Net, “the characteristic of religious holiness is the criterion for the training and crushing of Shrine. Druze.

The Sheikh Othman sanctuary in the city of AS -Suwayda (Al -jazeera)
The Sheikh Othman sanctuary in the city of AS -Suwayda (Al -jazeera)

Al -jazeera Net learned that the administration of the Prophet Othman sanctuary is affiliated with the governorate of Daraa, and it is represented by the sheikh of the mosque next to the Al -Karama square in the city center.

There is a variety of authorization in the religious and sectarian history of the religious position of the Druze, because it can be a Sunni sheikh the people of the Babylonian Jews, the age of this sanctuary is unknown, and there are contradictory opinions on the old age of this sanctuary.

Hezekil sanctuary in the village of Al -Harisa (Al -jazeera)
Hezekil sanctuary in the village of Al -Harisa (Al -jazeera)

“For the rituals of the visit, there are periodic visits (every few years) to the sheikh of the Druze community of Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan, and the Sheikhs of Jabal Al -Arab to practice the rich rituals (which is known as the reading of the role in the book of Wisdom) in general) in general, and the sanctuary of Ezekil Particularly, it is a destination for many visitors from various villages in the Asurée, and a committee qualified and elected by the villagers, and the DOT committee dictates according to the needs of the city.

Hezekil sanctuary of the interior (al -jazeera)
Hezekil sanctuary of the interior (al -jazeera)

Sometimes the Owner of the Shrine is one of the residents of the Town Itself, as in the Village of Malh, As Suha Al -basit, A Headmaster in the Village of Mallah, Visits the Shrine of Sheikh Abi Ali Hussein Safi, and He was born in the village of Malh al -sarar, and she sayrara net, “Sheikh HUSSEIN SAFI LIVED IN A ASCETIC WAY, During the Rule of the Ottoman Empire, and DIED in 1936. “

Al -Basit talks about the rituals of his visit, saying: “I visit the sanctuary alone, either with my family or my friends, and I have to wear the scarf, as in all the sanctuaries in AS -Suwayda, and to the visit of the candles, I pray to God, and I feel deep psychological comfort after the end of the visit.”

Sheikh Hussein Safi's sanctuary, the village of Malh (Al -jazeera)
Sheikh Hussein Safi’s sanctuary, the village of Malh (Al -jazeera)

Despite scientific and technical progress, the decrease or discoloration of the illiteracy rate in AS-Suwayda, religious sanctuaries there remain able to mobilize more believers in his holiness, who wish to visit it and to invest the prosperity of the psychological comfort they are crazy from there, in the details of their dark and difficult lives.

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