Switzerland cancels a conference on the Palestinian territories occupied new

4 diplomatic sources told Reuters today, Thursday, that Switzerland had canceled a conference on the implementation of the Geneva agreements on the occupied Palestinian territories, which was to be held on Friday at the invitation of the United Nations General Assembly.

The Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicolas Bedouo, wrote on the X platform that “the conference on the implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the Palestinian country occupied with a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly will not be held”, and he explained that “due to the absence of consensus between the high contractual parties, Switzerland decided, the entrepreneurial conference ( Geneva agreements).

Switzerland had invited 196 countries signed on the agreements to participate in the conference which would have taken place in Geneva concerning the situation of civilians who live in the West Bank, in Gaza and East Jerusalem band, but then informed them of the cancellation of the event.

The conference was due to the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is linked to a series of international treaties agreed in 1949 after the Second World War and determined the humanitarian protection of civilians who live in armed conflicts or occupation areas.

The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations in Geneva, Ibrahim Khreisha, told Reuters earlier that the Palestinian delegation did not intend to attend the event and criticized a document that had been disseminated among the participants.

“We want the international community to take concrete measures and that has not interacted in terms of expectations,” he added, noting that these measures may include economic or diplomatic measures against Israel. “What we want is to implement Geneva conventions,” he said.

A member of the Islamic Cooperation Organization said that the organization also had the absence of the event, claiming that the document “did not reflect the seriousness of the situation”.

The Israeli mission in Geneva declared on the X platform that the conference was part of a “legal campaign against Israel”, which is “controversial and controversial”. Diplomats from Western countries that support Israel have also expressed their concerns about the meeting.

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