Kidney cancer vaccine gives patients to patients so as not to turn healthy disease

The researchers managed to develop and experiment with a successful kidney cancer, because the bodies of patients who participated in the study were able to generate a successful anti-cancer immune response after obtaining a specially designed vaccine for everyone two. These vaccines are ready to form the body’s immune system to identify and eliminate any cell and development. The disease is no longer for any of the participants during the three years of study.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Yale and Dana Farper Cancer Center in the United States, and its results were published in the “Nature” magazine on February 5, and the website Yurrick Alert was written.

Renal pure cancer cancer

Clear cell cell carcinoma is called the name of the tumor under the microscope. Where the cells of the tumor seem clear, like bubbles. Net renal cell cancer is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults, and it is around 80% of all cases of renal cell cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute website in the United States.

Patients with net in the third or fourth stage are treated with tumor elimination surgery. Surgery can follow immunotherapy using “pembrolizumab” which stimulates an immune response that reduces the risk of cancer. However, about two thirds of patients are still vulnerable to the return of the disease and have limited therapeutic options.

Treatment of patients with net renal cancer in the third or fourth stage is carried out with tumor elimination surgery
Treatment of patients with pure kidney cancer in the third or fourth stage is carried out by elimination of the tumor (Getty)

A vaccine for each patient

Researchers treated 9 patients with net cancer in the third or fourth stage with the vaccine after surgery. 5 patients also received “ipilimumab” with the vaccine.

A special vaccine was produced for each patient using the tumor tissue that was removed during surgery. The team has extracted the molecular characteristics of tumor cells which distinguish it from normal cells. These characteristics, called new antigens, are small protein fragments in cancer, but are not present in any other cell of the body.

The team used predictive algorithms to determine which of these new antigens should be included in the vaccine according to the possibility of creating an immune response. Then, the vaccine was made and presented to the patient in a series of initial doses, followed by two reinforced doses.

Some patients have suffered allergic reactions to the vaccine injection site, and some have suffered from symptoms similar to the flu, but no stronger side effects have been reported.

The team found that the vaccine motivated the immune response within 3 weeks, and the number of T-Immune cells caused by the vaccine increased by 166 times, and these cells have remained in the body at high levels for until ‘at 3 years old. Laboratory studies have also shown that the cells caused by the vaccine were active against the patient’s tumor cells.

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