Al -jazeera Net explores the depths of the traditional world of medicine in South Korea Nouvelles

Plant remedies and acupuncture to suction cups and even physiotherapy and massacre, Al -jazeera Net tried during a visit to his delegate to the South Korean capital.

Many reasons push Koreans towards a traditional treatment, some of which are relatively strange and some are expected, some of them are looking for known treatments for back or joint pain, for example, while others are looking for treatment for A short stature and want to increase the duration of their children, for example, as Dr. Kim Su-Boom told us one of the most famous doctors in traditional Korean medicine in the country.

We entered the doctor of Doctor Su-Boom in the afternoon and we do not know what we will find with him, and when we turned from the door, a beautiful nurse asked us to remove our shoes and Wear one of these light shoes placed on a side shelf to keep the place clean.

Doctor Kim Su-Boom, one of the most famous traditional Korean medicine doctors in the country
Doctor Kim Su-Boom, one of the most famous traditional Korean Medicine doctors in the country (Al-Jazeera)

After entering, we were surprised by the clinic, which is stacked with books, and this vestibule, which includes more than 100 garages, each containing a distinctive type of different herbs and even centuries of deer.

Dr. Soo-Boom, with the intense Koreans of the Koreans, received flexion forward with a smile on his face, and we entered his office and we started our tour in a strange world on us and try it for the first time.

The importance of traditional medicine in South Korea

The origins of traditional medicine in South Korea belong to its founder, Wi-G- (1837-1900), which wrote his book- which is considered a reference in this area in 1894 entitled “A long life and a life preservation in the east of the east medicine “.

Dozens of drawers include types of strange and rare medicinal herbs at the Korean doctor clinic
Dozens of drawers that include types of strange and rare medicinal herbs in Doctor of Doctor Su-Boom (al-Jazeera)

SOO-BOOM is in the footsteps of GM-BIG, but he has exceeded it with his rich experience, developing many medicinal herbs and launching many books and research in this area.

To discover the importance of traditional medicine in South Korea, it is enough to know that hospitals and clinics include 12.6% of traditional Korean medicine specialists (km), which is the highest percentage of East Asia, and that around 69% of Koreans have treatment of traditional drugs.

In addition, treatments with this drug is covered by health insurance companies in the country, like any other treatment with drugs, which includes acupuncture, ironing, suction cups and most plant extracts .

In addition, Korea has 12 universities that study traditional medicine and graduation requires a study of 6 to 7 years like modern medicine.

Energy at five members

Back with our doctor, Dr. Soo-Boom, who decided to examine me fully with various types of traditional medicine methods, he started his tour with me by examining the energy of the five members (liver, heart, spleen , lung and kidneys) by pressing 3 test points in each hand and in each foot using a device like the E -Pen, it offers its readings on the computer screen, and after having measured The pressure, length, weight and recording of these readings, the journey of traditional treatments began.

The nurse examines the energy of the five members of the delegate of Al-Jazeera Net
The nurse examines the power of the five members of the delegate of Al -Jazeera Net (Al -jazeera)

Doctor Soo-Boom specializes in the vertebral column disease, takes traditional Korean medicine to treat it, and its clinic includes more than 100 known and unknown medicinal herbs, and many beds for many naturally and natural treatments, as well as than acupunctures linked to electricity and speakers.

His clinic also includes a special laboratory in which he works to prepare the extracts of these herbs and keeps them in small bottles through which he performs exams on his patients.

A special laboratory in the Dr. Sue-Boom clinic for the manufacture of medicinal plants
A private laboratory at the Dr Soo-Boom clinic for the manufacture of medicinal plants (al-Jazeera)

After this session of light tests, Su-Boom started with me an exam method that I did not understand, because I was wondering to stop a copper tube with my left hand and annex my causes on my thumb In my right hand, and I started trying to open the episode between my cause and my thumb, but each time he put a small bottle, he includes an extract of certain herbs on a device on his desk, Then try to reopen my finger.

What is strange is that by changing small bottles, he notes that there is a specific type of extract based on bottles and found that they had a relationship with my body.

All these tests aim to know the type of body, because the philosophy of traditional Korean medicine divides people according to the quality of their body, which are 4 types: Yang higher and minimal yang, where is the highest, and Each category has certain physiological characteristics.

Doctor Su-Boom tries to open between the Sabbath and the Al-Jazeera Net thumb, in a test which includes bottles of plants based on plants
Doctor Su-Boom tries to open between the Sabbath and the thumb of Al-Jazeera Net in a single test (al-Jazeera)

As Dr. Soo-Boom explained, Valeang is the highest, for example, characterized by a strong lung and a weak liver, while the upper yen is characterized by a strong liver, a weak lung and a relatively more body Large, while the minimum Yang Yang is characterized by a strong spleen, a weak college, an active and vital body, and the lower yen is characterized by a strong college, a weak and calm personality.

Medicinal herbs

After these exams, we took the doctor during a visit to his many precious boxes which include the rarest medicinal herbs, which we may not hear from many of them, especially omega herbs, Korean, Korean, Korean owners, hashish, al -rrishi fungi, hangji grass and arrow roots.

But in addition to these herbs with unique names, there was something strange for me, which is the seals of the deer, which, according to him, is useful for treating endurance and stimulating the mind, and there A GARARA which includes larger parts of the deer, but it differs from its predecessor that it is collected on the field from the delay horrors by falling into the scene where the animal replaces its horns.

Doctor Su-Boom converts a box of deer chips that are used for natural remedies
Doctor Su-Boom holds a box of deer chips used for natural treatments (Al Jazeera)

After that, the doctor took me to the acupuncture session, and after a slight start of tingling, the needles were reached with electricity, so that the strange feeling was at the beginning before it did not ‘Use of habit, and after a quarter of an hour the session ended to transform the place of tingling of the cups in the Korean way.

Korean style tingling treatment
Korean style tingling treatment (Al Jazeera)

After we finished from there, the Doctor Moved Me to Another Bed for Physiotherapy by Pressing Parts of the Neck in His Own Way, then Pressing the Abdomen While Raising One of the Legs and Bending It, and after we finished this somewhat session, the The doctor went to me to a more comfortable session, which is the rear massage, where he extended on a bed at the bottom of his coating devices which perform normal massage tasks.

Dr Soo-on the day he practices physiotherapy on the neck of Al-Jazeera Net, Al Jazeera Net
Dr. su-day he practices physiotherapy on the neck of the delegate of Al-Jazeera (al-Jazeera)

A unique journey that we concluded with this doctor, who did not skimp us by feeding a mixture of some of his precious medical herbs or our costs, a cup of other strange mixtures, and ending with our gifts with a Signature book from his most recent books he wrote in the field of traditional medicine in South Korea.

Just as we entered his clinic with the welcome and the bending of him forward, full of Jam literature and a nice smile, and we called Dr. Sue-Boom after having a unique experience in traditional Korean medicine.

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