Westerners are confused, who will succeed: who will succeed President Xi Jinping? | policy

A report published by the Financial Times said that the question of the succession of Chinese President Xi Jinping is still one of the mysterious questions of the Chinese Communist Party.

The report, Joe Lesi, Director of the Financial Times Office in Beijing and Edward White, correspondent for the newspaper in China – said that the Chinese system depends on secret operations in the choice of managers, unlike Western systems that have known mechanisms for Transfer of power, and that makes it very sensitive to the Caliphate very sensitive.


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The next leadership question has become more urgent – according to the report – with something that continued to improve its grip on power, with its fourth mandate as party leader, which could be from 2027 to 2032.

The report says that the absence of a clear successor to Shi can lead to instability.


Power concentration

The report pointed out that the experience of the Chinese Communist Party with power transfers has not always been fluid, because China has witnessed serious internal conflicts after the death of the founder of the Modern Republic of China Mao Zedong in 1976 , and this has been pushed bilateral (or collective), which provides for the sharing of power between a president and a first Prime Minister who can succeed him.

However, Xi Jinping – according to the report – broke this approach and reinstalled power in his hand in an unprecedented way from Mao, and the late Prime Minister Li Ke Qiang had no role similar to those who have it Preceded, as its position became marginalized compared to the president.


The report indicates that Shi was able to tighten his grip on power by excluding his opponents under the cover of the anti-corruption, which led to the dismantling of other political factions within the party, and the absence of everything Chinese leader who could be considered a possible successor of Shi.


Khalifa Shi

The report, based on the opinions of several political, historians and experts, has examined a list that includes potential candidates for the presidency after XI and people who should have an impact on the candidate’s choice.

The report indicated that experts used analytical methods similar to those used to analyze the leadership of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, in order to try to predict the potential caliph, in particular by examining the party’s speeches and the percentage of The emergence of potential personalities alongside Shi and Shi in official interviews.

The following is the list:

  • Tsai Chi, 69 years old,: The former party leader in Beijing, who is now a director of the central committee, and the biggest member of the party. Tsai is considered one of the closest presidential allies and often travels with him, which makes him a main personality person, and some analysts think that he will play a major role in identifying the next candidate.
  • Chang Yoshia, 74,: Vice-chairman of the central military committee, deputy Xi Jinping in the army and chief of Chinese politics. He maintains long relations with the XI family and was previously accused of corruption, and in the event of an unexpected transition of power, it can affect the role of the army in the caliphate process.
  • Yin Lee (62)The party leader in Beijing and one of the main figures in the circle of President XI. He worked closely with the president for years, and his continuous presence in government media and regular meetings with foreign officials indicate its growing importance within the party leadership and is one of the potential candidates.
  • Chen One Qing, 65,A former intelligence officer who oversees the legal system in China, who has been close to President XI for many years and has great power in the Chinese legal and security apparatus, and should play an important role in the driving process.
  • Zhang Hong One, 50,: The vice-governor of the province of Anhawi, which has a solid experience in the field of technology and science, and by emphasizing technological independence and military power, experts think that Chang is A possible option to direct.




According to the report, one of the scenarios presented in the absence of something without a clear successor is an internal conflict within the party, and in this context, the permanent committee of the Party political office and its seven members can have a role major in choosing the new leader.

The report added that any new commander will have to obtain the approval of the army, which is one of the main forces which guarantee the stability of the party and the political system, and gave the purification campaign that the president launched against Army leaders in recent years, it is likely that the army candidate will be faithful to the approach of current power.



The report says that China’s stability at the time of XI was more associated with his person than in party institutions.

He explained that President XI faces a complex dilemma, on the one hand, he guarantees him to delay the Caliphate conversation to stay in power without a dispute, and a successor to the presidency of China can lead to emergence internal divisions or at the attempt of certain leaders to go up to power prematurely, but the ambiguity in return destabilizes the future of the party.

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