Political analyst Ibrahim Haider said that the demonstrations taking place on the road leading to Beirut airport were part of a broader political confrontation, through which Hezbollah aims to send political messages inside and outside the country.
According to Haidar – in an intervention with Al -jazeera – the party seeks, through these demonstrations, to send strong political messages, in particular in the light of the successive crises from which Lebanon suffers, including the economic and political crisis.
The Al-Jazeera correspondent, Carmen Gujerar, reported that these demonstrations, in which hundreds of people participated, were cut to cut the street leading to the airport, came to an official invitation from Hezbollah and movement Amal, while the demonstrators wore the flags of the two parts in addition to the Iranian flag.
These demonstrations occurred a few days after violence events targeting the provisional United Nations in Lebanon (Unifil), at a time when dozens of Hezbollah supporters blocked the road to Beirut International Airport, protest against The lack of granting the Lebanese authorities to authorize an Iranian avive produced in Beirut last Thursday.
Haidar stressed that Hezbollah tries to prove its strength and install the balance of powers, which the party considers to be disturbed after the recent Israeli war.
For its part, the Lebanese government has held an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis, because the Council of Ministers stressed the need to quickly resolve the crisis to avoid deterioration of the situation.
The Minister of Transport, Ali Hamiya, stressed the importance of continuing air traffic at Beirut airport, stressing that the failure of the employment of the landing of Iranian planes can lead to the taxation of European sanctions which affect the fragile Lebanese economy.
He also pointed out that there were serious attempts to resolve the crisis, including meetings between Prime Minister Nawaf Salam and Lebanese President Michel Aoun.
A Hezbollah chief declared earlier, stressing that it is unacceptable that the homeland becomes in the American and Israeli grip, and described the decision to prevent the Iranian plane from entering the Lebanese state insult And to the security services, adding that the Lebanese government: “If you want to submit, the resistance will not be submitted and that all the diktats will face.”