The approval of the Israeli Knesset – with a preliminary reading – has adopted a bill which allows Israelis to have land in the West Bank without the approval of the army, without much remarking or not taking its right to Discussion and analysis, he was in the absence in the midst of the many events which accompanied him, coinciding with the third wave of the exchange of prisoners according to the cease-fire agreement in Gaza, and with The announcement of the Al -Qassam brigades, the martyrdom of its general chief of staff, Muhammad al -Dhaif and other related events.
Indeed, this project, which awaits the three stages of approval, is considered one of the most dangerous bills that the Israeli government has approved today thanks to its branch of settlement of the religious party of Zionism led by the Minister of Finance Smotrich.
Indeed, the law, if it is approved, will have great repercussions on the legal status of the land of the West Bank in a way that opens the way to the announcement of all its inclusion, as has happened previously with the Syrian Golan Heights occupied and with the east of the city of Jerusalem.
To understand the equation and its dimensions, we must return to the time of the Jordanian domination of the areas of the West Bank before its occupation in 1967. Lands were intended for non-Jordanians and the Arabs, in order to protect the lands of The state, which at that time there was the areas of West Bank, including Eastern Jerusalem.
After the israeli occupation of these areas in 1967, the military occupation law was applied to the was bank exception for the east of jerusalem, which israel declared annexation at that time without a real arab or islamic reaction, and the israeli army became the one that that that Rile the West Bank region in the West Bank as lands subject to military occupation and does not separate from the State of Israel according to international law, where the world has not recognized any rights to Israel in these regions, not even today.
Consequently, the current state law was applied in occupied areas, and the work of the above -mentioned Jordanian law remained there, and after the creation of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, the work of this Jordanian law continued To prevent the sale of the West Cisjordan of land to the settlers, and Israel has not opposed this, since the Oslo agreement gave the authority that Palestinian is the authority to manage the “regions and “B” zones in the West Bank, and Israel has decided nothing about the “C” regions which fall under its administrative and security authority under the Oslo Agreement, because Israel has always appeared before The world as a rule of law, and that it does not go beyond international laws.
Consequently, and with the desire of Israel to build colonies in the West Bank while preserving its “legal” image in front of the world, it uses the bypass of Jordanian law to announce certain military areas of land belonging to the army For security purposes, then the colonies are adopted as military zones, and sometimes by declaring that certain public lands are “constituted by the State” under the auspices of the Israeli army.
Israel has established a civil administration of the Israeli army responsible for authorizing the regulations and ownership of the institutions and companies registered with this administration, and the construction process in the colonies has therefore become, stipulating the ‘Approval of the Israeli army.
Note here that the presence of the Israeli army in the photo has always been an inevitable necessity; Given these lands as a military occupation and not being part of the lands of the state, even if Israel applies civil laws to what is in the colonies, because they deal here with their citizens and not the land that remain Occupation areas!
All these complications came to Israel to continue to show its image before global public opinion as being engaged in international law, and that it respects the United Nations laws to treat the land occupied by the military.
Here is the new bill, because this law eliminates the work of the Jordanian law n ° 40 of 1953, that is to say that it eliminates the ban on selling land in the West Bank directly to the colonists and cancels the need settlers to establish companies or institutions accredited to the Israeli army in order to record these land and real estate on their behalf. Aviv, Haifa or other land occupied in 1948, which the world recognizes as the state of Israel.
Thus, the Israeli authority of the Occupation Army was withdrawn to supervise the land of the West Bank and to treat them within the framework of the lands of Israel, as well as the lands of the regions of 1948.
Here is the severity of this law, this means that Israel is simply no longer filled with international law or its image in front of the world, and this constitutes a change in the strategy of Israel in the treatment of institutions of the international community , a step added to the previous measures taken by the Israeli occupation government during the war against Gaza in this context, such as the cancellation of the recognition of UNRWA.
Israel has become a “muscular” state, not a rule of law, and it no longer cares about any image for the world, which means that it can do whatever it wants without a report of international law After obtaining accounting as it seems under the new Trump administration combined with the religious flow of Zionism.
This opens the door to the government of the occupation to overcome all the red lines in and around the Palestinian territories, and the first and most important and the most dangerous of these lines in the West Bank is the process of annexation of the West Bank in Israel , and to try to apply the idea of a transistor and ethnic cleaning to the inhabitants of the West Bank who called for the former Minister of Tourism, Rahbam Zeevi, who was assassinated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine In a hotel in Jerusalem in 2001.
In fact, the first conviction of the fire of this process will be Jordan, which will find itself faced with an unprecedented storm which can destabilize all its stability. It is not far from Trump’s requests for Jordan and Egypt to receive the Gazans after having “moved to move them”, he said (which is the diluted formula of the expression “ethnic cleaning”) to these two countries.
In fact, the involvement of Jordan in this case, despite the distance from the geographic distance between it and the Gaza Strip, could be understood as a ball as an introductory test so that Jordan accepts the displacement of the Palestinians of The West Bank, in an effort to put an end to the whole Palestinian question, according to the vision of Trump which is completely equal to the vision of the Israeli extremist right, in particular, the religious flow of Zionism, in which it found an ally of trust.
The approval of this law can only be understood in the context of the liquidation of the Palestinian issue. The government of the occupation withdrew the powers of supervising the areas occupied in the West Bank in the hands of the Israeli army, a clear indication of an Israeli intention which is no longer hidden to declare the inclusion of the West Bank.
It is first compulsory for the Palestinian people, and the Arab peoples in the countries of the necklace, and the official Arab and Islamic systems, led by Jordan, to pay attention to the danger of this frantic movement. Aspirations and theses are no longer limited only, because it now appreciates the support of a real ally who believes in that this current believes in ideas, which is the mother administrationY.New Rakia.
It is not allowed in no way in the way in which the nature of this new administration, or to face the aspirations of the Israeli and American law as dreams which can be prevented by international law. November 27: “The main system of Rome does not apply to Israel, the United States, France, Germany or Great Britain, because we have not put it before aiming.”
So, simply announce that they are above international law, for nothing other than because they “did not say it until they target them”, in Graham’s words.
Consequently, it is necessary to anticipate the expected annexation process with real and dissuastic political measures which go beyond denunciation and rejection to real merger with the peoples of the region and a change in the way in which The Palestinian question is addressed by the entire official Arab institution, it is no longer a secret that the Israeli project does not want to swallow the Palestinian territories, but is also the right to develop at the expense of everyone.
The opinions of the article do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al-Jazeera.