International study: Germany in an aggravation of the crisis because of its appearance on the successes of the new past


An international study has revealed that Germany is today faced with a political and economic crisis because of its dependence on its success for a very long time. According to the “Bergroen Governance Index”, the auto-consacred which is devoted to the time of the former Chancellor Angela Merkel is what compensates for the country’s current palaces.

The study was prepared by researchers from the University of California, the Bergroin Research Institute and the Herti School, a private university in Berlin. “The most anxious thing is the deep structural nature of the problems with which Germany is confronted,” said Edward Knodsen, the study author, noting that solutions require large structural changes, and that “replace a rule by another is not necessarily the solution “.

According to the analysis of researchers, the roots of the current crisis date back to the first decade of the 21st century, when Germany had abundant resources and stable political leadership, but it chose the approach to anticipation instead of Prepare to face future trauma, which has now made it lack flexibility in the treatment of emerging challenges.

4 main reasons for the crisis

The report has identified 4 main factors for the current crisis that Germany is going through:

  1. Investment deficiency: A decrease in investments in the slowdown in German economic growth and the exacerbation of social gaps.
  2. Migration crisis: Immigration in Germany is a complex challenge because it is necessary to maintain economic growth in the light of aging of German society on the one hand, but on the other hand, it has become a major source of internal political conflict.
  3. Germany’s growing dependence on other countries:: Especially with regard to energy supply, such as this accreditation, as in the case of Russian gas, has led to negative repercussions on the stability of the economy.
  4. Economic recession: The last economic recession has weakened political compatibility within the country and has increased social tensions.

Decrease in democratic control

The analysis was based on a variety of data and studies, which showed that the “democratic control” index had gone from 100 in 2011 to 93 in 2021, which reflects a gradual decrease in the quality of the political governance in Germany.

Researchers claim that the treatment of this crisis cannot be limited to superficial political changes, but rather requires long -term structural reforms to return Germany to the path of growth and stability.

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